Too many shadows, Groundfog said. It gives me a feeling of foreboding.
Me, too said the rock with teeth. Who knows what's hiding in the leaves.
And the thorns are red as blood, said the bobcat.
Too many brambles, Groundfog said. And too many shadows. It gives me a feeling of foreboding.
Me, too said the rock with teeth. Who knows what's hiding in the leaves.
And the thorns are red as blood, said the bobcat.
#vss365 #foreboding
I just added a new design to my shop!
#artistshops #Cthulhu #LoveCraftianHorror #BlackAndwhiteArt
#Fowers #Foreboding #Menacing #beautiful
#artistshops #cthulhu #lovecraftianHorror #blackandwhiteart #fowers #foreboding #menacing #beautiful
So whenever my Mini decides to break the tube I need a new olive… luckily the last time this happened I got a bunch of them! Makes this a quick repair, hope it doesn’t happened again now with this filament. I think I’ll stick it in the oven for six hours. (#Foreboding)
After just finishing a renovation project over this past weekend and thinking "whew, maybe I can take next weekend off for once..." I get a 10.45am meeting for this morning scheduled in a newly emptied room. #foreboding
How Great Storytelling Lingers in the Mind: Shirley Jackson's ominous foreboding; thought stickiness; living rent-free in your head; Amanita phalloides, the death-cup mushroom; introspection; meaning
#storytelling #ShirleyJackson #ominous #foreboding #thoughts #livingrentfree #Amanitaphalloides #death #introspection #meaning
#storytelling #ShirleyJackson #ominous #foreboding #thoughts #livingrentfree #amanitaphalloides #death #Introspection #meaning
Today's poem:
The Horseman's Song, by Federico Garcia Lorca
#poetry #FedericoGarciaLorca #horseman #foreboding #fate #death #ArabicPoeticForm #cordoba
#poetry #federicogarcialorca #Horseman #foreboding #fate #death #arabicpoeticform #cordoba
Someone posted this terrifying screenshot... makes me thankful my family is PC/Android.
Apple users, please make sure you look over your EULAs carefully before agreeing, and watch your backs!
#sarcasm #DadJoke #fanboyBait #DadJokes #fangirlBait #intentionalMisunderstanding #funWithLanguage #humor #joke #humour #apple #android #creepy #foreboding #altText
#creepy #foreboding #alttext #dadjoke #dadjokes #sarcasm #intentionalmisunderstanding #funwithlanguage #humor #humour #apple #android #joke #fanboybait #fangirlbait