@jane23c @Tae156 @ClarityClare7
I loved learning about South Korea’s weather and weather reporting as much as I enjoyed the love story. It was a really good drama.
I doubt anyone in the U.S. calls weather agencies to complain about inaccurate forecasts. I found the sense of responsibility very different.
#kdrama #forecastingloveandweather
Park Min-young is one of my favorite actresses. I have loved her in everything she’s done.
I enjoyed Forecasting Love & Weather because they provided enough technical stuff to learn a little about weather forecasting in S.Korea. I loved the older woman/younger man theme. And I loved the directing - how you think one scene went one way, but then later on you find out so much happened that you didn’t notice.
#kdrama #forecastingloveandweather #parkminyoung #songkang