Here at precursor, we can collaborate with the DoD, Space Force, and other government agencies to help with threat of #spaceweather and prevent space junk from hitting valuable operations and assets in space. Via our real-time method of #mapping the #ionosphere in order to #forecast space weather in real time, we can issue a warning that will allow space craft to move before a threat hits.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #defense
#defense #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
Here at precursor, we can protect capabilities in space and assets in orbit from the unruly effects of #spaceweather before it even hits. Via our real time #forecasts, created through #mapping the #ionosphere, we offer the most accurate space weather prediction and can support the Space Force, DoD, and more.
#defense #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #forecasts #spaceweather
This new study on jetlets and solar wind make it even more important to protect against the effects of unruly #spaceweather. Now that solar wind is more common, it's vital that we prepare and mitigate the effects of increased space weather even in a solar minimum. With our unique capability of #mapping the #ionosphere, we can #forecast space weather before it hits.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
With new observation methods and forecasting methods in #spaceweather, our work here at precursor serves as a nexus to the collaboration between the University of Reading and the UK Met Office. With our unique model of #mapping the #ionosphere, we can forecast space weather in real time to #mitigate its effects before it hits Earth.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
An AP News Assessment states, "It is not possible to predict earthquakes." In fact, even while regions on Earth may be extremely seismically active, "there is no way to predict when and where earthquakes will take place."
However, our technology at precursor offers accurate and deterministic forecasting of the location, magnitude and time of an earthquake days in advance. We have experience in #forecasting over 50 seismic events.
#forecastnow #earthquakeforecasting
#earthquakeforecasting #forecastnow #forecasting
Here at precursor, we can support NOAA and other stakeholders in protecting against the effects of #spaceweather, which can damage valuable infrastructure both in space and on the ground. With more geomagnetic events coming up this week, it's important we #prepare now and #map the #ionosphere to issue the proper #forecast.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #mitigate #geomagnetic
#geomagnetic #mitigate #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #map #prepare #spaceweather
We can prepare for all kinds of #spaceweather activity through real-time, situational forecasting capabilities provided by precursor. Our space weather #nowcasting uses a novel method of #mapping the #ionosphere for accurate, real-time forecasting which can help us prepare and monitor space weather before it even hits.
#forecastnow #spaceweatherforecast #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #nowcasting #spaceweather
Our commercial #spaceweather data is critical for the viability of missions in #space, such as #satellite launches and protecting power grids from the dangerous effects of space weather. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can #forecast space weather in real time before it hits, giving our partners and stakeholders the warnings they need to prepare before disaster strikes.
#mitigate #forecastnow #defense #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #satellite #space #spaceweather
Precursor can help support national defense initiatives, and collaborate with both private and public sector entities in #spaceweather #forecasting, to protect government operations and technology. Our novel real-time forecasts of space weather, enabled by #mapping the #ionosphere is leading the way in protecting our defense assets on both the ground and in space.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #nationalsecurity #precursor #defense
#defense #precursor #nationalsecurity #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather
These new discoveries make it all the more important that we have to prepare here on Earth for a rapidly approaching solar maximum. With one less year to spare, precursor can provide the necessary protection for increased solar activity and #spaceweather. Our real-time space weather nowcasting via #mapping the #ionosphere provides forecasts for operators in space, on the ground, and to valuable infrastructure before it even hits
#mitigate #spaceweathernow #forecastnow
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
We can provide situational forecasting for geomagnetic storms and other forms of space weather. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can provide real-time space weather forecasts and help save the lives of astronauts in space.
#defense #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping
Here at precursor, we understand the importance of studying heliophysics to better study the #Sun and #spaceweather. Having a plan to #mitigate space weather effects is vital to the space industry, and we can provide - via real-time forecasting of space weather events before they hit. Through #mapping the #ionosphere, we can support scientists in their space weather research and helping organizations such as NASA better mitigate its effects
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #mitigate #spaceweather #sun
\ These are the exact types of problems we are trying to prevent here at precursor - protecting valuable infrastructure from all effects of space weather, whether it's a recent event or long-lasting effects. We can support NOAA and other entities through our real-time #spaceweather forecasts through #mapping the #ionosphere.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
Here at precursor, we're excited to see the success of collaboration between public and private organizations in order to better #forecast #spaceweather. Our work here is similar, and can support both private and government entities, protecting valuable infrastructure by #forecasting space weather before it hits through #mapping the #ionosphere.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather #forecast
Phenomenons such as STEVE and these massive solar storms we've seen lately have the capabilities to destroy satellites in space, disrupt our infrastructure, and damage radio communications. Here at precursor, we can prevent damages via real-time, #spaceweather forecasting through a novel way of #mapping the #ionosphere. Don't wait now for the next big solar storm to prepare for space weather!
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
With our capabilities here at precursor, we can help alleviate the issues of #spacejunk and a crowded orbital region. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can forecast #spaceweather in real time, giving satellites enough warning to move or prepare for its effects, and lessening the probability that they would get destroyed or create space junk.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #spaceweather #ionosphere #mapping #spacejunk
Here at precursor, we believe that it's imperative to prepare for severe #spaceweather events of all shapes and sizes - even auroras that solar scientists deem "benign" still have the power to disrupt technology and communications. Via our capability of #mapping the #ionosphere, we can #forecast space weather before it hits Earth and our valuable technology. Don't wait now for the next Starlink disaster to prepare for space weather!
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
Our work here at precursor in #forecasting #spaceweather serves as a nexus to the new research into the #ionosphere and space weather being undertaken by NASA and USU. Taking these first steps into observing the ionosphere in detail will be key to the new national focus towards better understanding and preparing for unruly space weather events. Through our capabilities, we can #map the #ionosphere to #forecast space weather in real time.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #forecast #map #ionosphere #spaceweather #forecasting
Via our capabilities which serve as a nexus to magneto-impedance sensors, we can offer 1000X improvement in spatial and temporal resolution. Space Weather Nowcasting enables accurate, timely situational awareness and effective operations management for commercial, government and defense organizations operating in space.
Precursor can help support government agencies, national endeavors, and other organizations in protecting communications systems and other assets from the effects of #spaceweather. We can work with NOAA, NASA, and more to help us better understand space weather; through #mapping the #ionosphere, our capabilities let us #forecast space weather in real time before it hits.
#forecastnow #mitigate #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather