An example of a countrtry that had stamped out an illicit trade and with the intervention of the US seems to have revived it. And a host of other problems also.
Don't buy the line that the USA lost in #Afghanistan either, #destabilisation *is* their goal.
There are so many example of #foreignMeddling, interventions, regimeChange etc.
Regrettably #MichaelParenti's War on Yugoslavia speech (1999, 1:17:26) could have been written yesterday.
#afghanistan #destabilisation #foreignMeddling #MichaelParenti
Do not underestimate the toxic impact of #politicalDonations and #foreignMeddling.
Last we checked, #NationBuilder is #CloudFlare, so there is a great value proposition in #DDoS'ing #politicalParties, and then swooping in to save the day.
Also many parties at least in #Australia appear to be #astroTurf that don't offer anything truely different and appear to simply be trying to corner the market with a particular branding/#naming strategy.
#politicalDonations #foreignMeddling #nationbuilder #cloudflare #ddos #politicalParties #australia #astroturf
Australia once self-identified as the "clever country".
That phrase has completely disappeared. Today we tracked down the exact moment the phrase vanished from the national consciousness…
It was the day we voted in #TonyAbbott as PM over Kevin Rudd.
#KevinRuddCoup #KevinRudd #cleverCountry #australia #auspol #smearCampaigns #NBN #sovereignWealthFund #miningTax #rupertMurdoch #foreignMeddling
#TonyAbbott #kevinRuddCoup #KevinRudd #cleverCountry #australia #auspol #smearcampaigns #nbn #sovereignWealthFund #MiningTax #rupertmurdoch #foreignMeddling