FAS, la strana malattia di cui non avete mai sentito parlare. Conosci la sindrome da accento straniero? È una tra le malattie strane: in pochissimi sanno. Avete mai sentito parlare della sindrome da accento straniero? È una delle malattie più strane e rare al mondo, pochissimi ne sono affetti.
#accentostraniero #cervelloumano #disturboneurologico #ForeignAccentSyndrome #ictuscelebrale #linguaggio #malattiestrane #Sindrome
#accentostraniero #Cervelloumano #disturboneurologico #foreignaccentsyndrome #ictuscelebrale #linguaggio #malattiestrane #sindrome
This story about a cancer patient developing an "uncontrollable Irish accent" 👀 has the great benefit of commentary from Prof. Sophie Scott at the end:
"The accent's in our ears. The accent's not one consistent thing that's happened in their brain."
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64671894 #neuroscience #accents #speech #language #ForeignAccentSyndrome
#neuroscience #accents #speech #language #foreignaccentsyndrome
'Foreign accent syndrome' is apparently a real, if rare, neurological disorder. I suppose that the phonological processes in the brain have been altered, so that it isn't about someone 'adopting' a foreign accent but rather that the qualities of the produced sounds seem to hearers to adhere more closely to a different phonological system.
#phonology #IrishAccent #ForeignAccentSyndrome
BBC News - US cancer patient developed 'uncontrollable' Irish accent
#phonology #irishaccent #foreignaccentsyndrome
A Man's Prostate Cancer Gave Him An 'Uncontrollable' Irish Accent
#accent #language #fas #foreignaccentsyndrome