Report: Egyptian Lawmakers Hail Parliament’s Endorsement of Pact to Join BRICS Bank - Egyptian lawmakers recently hailed the parliament’s endorsement of a pact that all... - #foreigncurrencyreserves #mohamedabdel-hamid #newdevelopmentbank #ukraine-russiawar #dollardomination #mervatmattar #economics #usdollar #brics #imf
#imf #brics #usdollar #economics #mervatmattar #dollardomination #ukraine #newdevelopmentbank #mohamedabdel #foreigncurrencyreserves
Nearly $1 Billion Poured Into Egypt’s Forex Market — Local Currency Now World’s Worst Performing Currency in 2023 - The Egyptian central bank recently claimed that its decision to devalue the local ... - #egyptianpounddevaluation #foreigncurrencyreserves #flexibleexchangerate #centralbankofegypt #egyptimportcover #economics #imf
#imf #economics #egyptimportcover #centralbankofegypt #flexibleexchangerate #foreigncurrencyreserves #egyptianpounddevaluation