Q. I wonder what happened in the last few years to make investors seeking access to the #European market decide that #France was a better bet for #ForeignDirctInvestment than the UK?
Its really hard to say isn't it...... NOT!
Just one more aspect of Project Fear that has come to pass after #Brexit.... we were warned & it has come to pass.
#european #France #foreigndirctinvestment #brexit #headinmyhands
So we know the UK has a problem with #productivity caused by under-#investment; likewise we know all sorts of public & private services are being starved of investment....
Meanwhile #Germany is recording record levels of #ForeignDirctInvestment (FDI), and what do you know, the third highest source of that FDI is the UK... not least by firms looking to maintain a foothold in post-#Brexit #Europe...
Where's our investment gone?
Well looks like some of it is helping the German economy!
#productivity #investment #germany #foreigndirctinvestment #brexit #Europe