Gizmodo: Farmers Insurance Pulls Out of Florida’s Shaky Market #citizenspropertyinsurancecorporation #farmersinsurancegroup #farmersinsurance #disasteraccident #typesofinsurance #vehicleinsurance #trevorchapman #homeinsurance #environment #bristolwest #insurance #statefarm #foremost #allstate #andrew #quartz #ian
#citizenspropertyinsurancecorporation #farmersinsurancegroup #farmersinsurance #disasteraccident #typesofinsurance #vehicleinsurance #trevorchapman #homeinsurance #environment #bristolwest #insurance #statefarm #foremost #allstate #andrew #quartz #ian
The coolest stuff, besides the family photos and chats, is all the old images from the turn of the century browser cache. Bill Gates as a borg (I think from Slashdot). The old KDE logo with a goldish-cog. Screenshots of Mozilla milestones and old StarOffice screenshots. An image, "Introducing the Mac Mini." The FreeBSD handbook in its HTML entirety. Gimmick workout routines. Emails saved in unencrypted HTML, cached by the browser. Simpler times. #linux #recovery #foremost #forensics #freebsd
#linux #recovery #foremost #forensics #freebsd
Found a stash of old hard drives from when I sold my dads place. Did a recovery on one; Quantum Bigfoot 12GB with FreeBSD. Had to tap it to get it to spin up. Filesystem was hosed; ran foremost on it. Found emails from my little sister who was killed 20 years ago. Also found chat logs between me and my current wife where we were discussing what we were looking for in a spouse. Who saw that coming? Lots of old, seemingly lost photos uncovered. #linux #recovery #foremost #forensics #freebsd
#linux #recovery #foremost #forensics #freebsd
Yes, a perfect place to start is by installing the ParrotSec OS and studying the plethora of forensics and analysis tools the come preinstalled.
Also, I recommended trying and reading up on these useful tools:
#oletools framework
#rizin framework
#apktool #androguard #autopsy #binwalk #dex2jar #edb #foremost #galleta #hashdeep #javasnoop #oletools #rizin