A detailed report on the methodologies in this paper on the #decisiontree classifiers for mapping #forestcover & change was also published by Trix Estomata in 2018: https://bit.ly/Estomata_2018
Mari Trix Estomata & Klaus Schmitt (2019) used #decisiontree classification & unbiased area estimation to map #forestcover extent & change in the #Philippines using #ALOS #PALSAR mosaic data in support of #REDD+ initiatives. #LoLManuscriptMonday http://bit.ly/Estomata_2019
Cheers to Estomata & Schmitt’s affiliation & supporting organizations for this #LoLManuscriptMonday feature: GIZ Philippines, the K&C Initiative of JAXA & the Forest Management Bureau of DENR Philippines #EOChat #GISChat 🛰️🌳🥳
#decisiontree #forestcover #philippines #ALOS #palsar #redd #LoLManuscriptMonday #eochat #gischat
according to ourworldindata.org, scotland's forest cover has now nearly returned to what it was 1000 years ago. how much of this cover consists of native species is another question.
#scotland #forestCover #forest #trees #data
#Data #Trees #Forest #forestcover #scotland
How Nepal Regenerated Its Forests
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150937/how-nepal-regenerated-its-forests <-- shared @nasa post
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #forestry #regeneration #Nepal #vegetation #spatialanalysis #change #improvement #earthobservation #planning #management #governmentpolicy #forest #trees #forestcover #landcover #landmanagement #environmental #community #people #development #projects #administration #villages #communitydevelopment #communityleaders #communityengagement #communitymanagement
@nasa@social.beachcom.org @NASA@mstdn.social
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #forestry #regeneration #Nepal #vegetation #spatialanalysis #change #improvement #earthobservation #planning #management #governmentpolicy #Forest #trees #forestcover #landcover #landmanagement #environmental #community #people #development #projects #administration #villages #communitydevelopment #communityleaders #communityengagement #CommunityManagement