2-hour walk enjoyed every moment of it grab these amazing photos...
#mushrooms #magicmushrooms #mushroom #mushroomhunting #fresh #fungi #fungus #funghi #forestday #trails #wild #outdoors #dogwalkerlife #naturepicture #naturephotos #doglife
#mushrooms #magicmushrooms #mushroom #mushroomhunting #fresh #fungi #fungus #funghi #forestday #trails #wild #outdoors #dogwalkerlife #naturepicture #naturephotos #doglife
A gallery of #Mountains and #ForestDay from my trip to Washington State
# Photography
#mountains #forestday #landscapephotography
RT @BiogeoBerlin
Together with @IBiologicos & @IERconicetunt, we @BiogeoBerlin celebrate #ForestDay today!🌳🌲
Do have a look at our #PASANOA Project, where we studied and raised awareness about the importance of #Conservation of #NativeForests and #Biodiversity in #GranChaco.
#forestday #pasanoa #conservation #nativeforests #biodiversity #granchaco
RT @EFrost_Wildwood
"Old-growth forest ecosystems now and in the future take on equally significant roles as they did in the past. But this time it is their protection, rather than extraction, that will allow civilization to flourish."
~John Perlin, A Forest Journey (3rd Edition, 2023) #forestday
RT @sepponet
#CarbonSink of the Finnish land use sector, which is mostly commercial #forest, has collapsed & moved from being a carbon sink to a net #source of #emissions. The main culprit is excessive logging.
#IntlForestDay #ForestDay #conversation #restoration
#restoration #conversation #forestday #IntlForestDay #emissions #source #forest #CarbonSink
I did not know there was an International #ForestDay but I suppose that does make sense. Ruki here will be pumped. Visiting forested areas is among her most favorite parts of being alive.
RT @brookfield_zoo
Keep an eye out for species that make these forests their home on your next zoo trip!
#ForestDay #Forests #RedTailedHawk #Birding
#birding #redtailedhawk #forests #forestday
21.3 = #TagdesWaldes. Der Sommer steht bevor & der #Katastrophenschutz #LandkreisBadKreuznach appelliert schon heute: Im #Wald kein offenes Feuer! #Grillen nur wo es erlaubt ist & Wenn's brennt👉☎️112! Wir sind 24/7 einsatzbereit!
#immerda #VOST #Ehrenamt #SMEM #Waldbrand #Katwarn #DWD #WeareVOST #TeamMedien #Bevölkerungswarnung #forestday
#tagdeswaldes #katastrophenschutz #landkreisbadkreuznach #wald #grillen #immerda #vost #ehrenamt #smem #Waldbrand #katwarn #dwd #wearevost #teammedien #bevolkerungswarnung #forestday
#InternationalDayOfForests is good time to emphasize that our #ClimateAction mix must include #nuclear energy with its small land use for lots of steady clean-air electricity. Significantly reduces #cleanenergy land use vs. only #renewables. 🌳 🌳 #ForestDay #EnergyTransition
#internationaldayofforests #climateaction #nuclear #cleanenergy #renewables #forestday #energytransition
Wieviel wäre uns, in Geld ausgedrückt, der Sonntagsspaziergang im Wald wert? Diese Frage kann durch das von @Thuenen_aktuell entwickelte ReWaLe-Modell für Wälder in Deutschland beantwortet werden.
👉 Zu den Ergebnissen: https://www.thuenen.de/media/publikationen/thuenen-a-la-carte/ThuenenAlacarte8-3.pdf
Forests provide us with clean water, air, food, and so much more - and spending time in nature is great for our mental health! Let's celebrate the United Nations International Day of Forests by getting outside and appreciating these incredible resources. #IntlForestDay #ForestDay #ForestsAndHealth https://www.un.org/en/observances/forests-and-trees-day
#intlforestday #forestday #forestsandhealth
BM @cem_oezdemir hat #Wald|zustandsbericht 2022 vorgestellt: Kronenverlichtungen für alle Baumarten weiterhin hoch. Fichte mit sehr hohen Absterberaten. Buche weiter in schlechtem Zustand, Kiefer verschlechtert sich zunehmend. https://thuenen.de/de/newsroom/presse/aktuelle-pressemitteilungen
#wald #tagdeswaldes #forestday
Have you ever planted a tree or contributed to a tree planting initiative in any way?
If so, how many have you planted or contributed to?
Happy International Day of Forests!
Did you know that forests are home to 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity, and provide livelihoods for over a billion people?
Our EU's biodiversity strategy for 2030 aims to plant at least 3 billion additional trees by the end of the decade – a crucial step in the fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
Let's all do our part to protect and restore our forests for the sake of our planet and future generations. 🌳🌲
Happy International #ForestDay! 🌲 🌳
Did you know that almost 1/3 of #Switzerland is covered in forest? 🇨🇭
In 1876, a law was introduced to protect Swiss forests and curb deforestation. This has resulted in a steady growth of forest area ever since. #SustainableForestry https://t.co/8pIiDdyPj5
#forestday #switzerland #sustainableforestry
🌳 Wälder beherbergen etwa 80 % der weltweiten terrestrischen Artenvielfalt mit mehr als 60.000 Baumarten. Deutschland als eines der waldreichsten Länder Europas ist zu über 30 % mit Wald bedeckt (über 11 Mio. ha). Auf dieser Karte sind alle Waldgebiete ab 1 km² zu sehen. #TagdesWaldes #forestday
Wie #Wälder in Zukunft aussehen müssen, damit sie nachhaltig genutzt werden können, erforschen mehr als 300 Beschäftigte an den 4 Waldinstituten von @Thuenen_aktuell. Jede Menge Infos dazu in unserem Themenfeld "Wälder": https://www.thuenen.de/de/themenfelder/waelder
#TagdesWaldes #ForestDay
#walder #tagdeswaldes #forestday
On this International Day of Forests, let's recognize the critical role of forests in supporting human well-being and biodiversity. 🌳🌲🌿 We must all take action to protect and restore forests for future generations. #ForestDay #ProtectForests #ClimateAction #Sustainability #Nature #Biodiversity #GreenPlanet #HealthyPlanet #TogetherForForests
#forestday #ProtectForests #climateaction #sustainability #nature #biodiversity #greenplanet #HealthyPlanet #TogetherForForests