I've just finished my first cut at a tutorial for using #Forester, my tool for developing Stacks-like online Zettelkästen, reference books, and lecture notes for scientists, mathematicians, and students.
Title: “How to create your own Stacks Project in 10 minutes”
URL: https://www.jonmsterling.com/jms-0052.xml
#ToolsForThought #ToolsForMathematicalThought #PKM #Zettelkasten
#zettelkasten #pkm #toolsformathematicalthought #ToolsForThought #forester
Let me share something I have learned about #KaTeX: never ever use its macro support. For any non-trivial web page, this can basically bring your browser to its knees... the performance is THAT BAD.
It is apparently not optional to instead pre-expand all macros prior to handing things to KaTeX. This is what #Forester does.
I spent today learning how to use the Eio library (https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio), which is a pretty cool effect-based OCaml library for doing parallel IO. I'm experimenting with migrating #forester to use it here: https://lists.sr.ht/~jonsterling/forester-devel/patches/43207
Dear Friends,
#ClimateDiary 1/2
This is what proactive wildfire management can look like. Trees are thinned, bottom story shrubs and debris are culled. Prevents #wildfires from spreading along the ground and subsequent flaring from tree tops. This generally makes fires easier to contain, manage or control over time.
Photo taken at Sawtooth Recreation Area.
#ForestEcology #Forest
#Forestry #Forester
#California #Truckee
#Photography #PhotoResearcher
#photoresearcher #photography #climatesolution #truckee #california #forester #forestry #forest #forestecology #wildfires #climatediary
This #forester's #FensterFreitag photo taken while out #cycling, I was stopped by an open swing bridge on the #CrinanCanal and #VIC32 #ClydePuffer hove into view. #WindowFriday #WestCoast #Scotland #ScotlandPhotography
#scotlandphotography #scotland #westcoast #windowfriday #clydepuffer #vic32 #crinancanal #cycling #Fensterfreitag #forester
Some exciting upgrades to #Forester coming in v2.2: https://www.jonmsterling.com/jms-005V.xml
(Might need to unload your browser cache, as some of the XSL templates have changed. Annoying!)
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
Poachers gunned down a forester identified as Mathi Hansad (40) while he was patrolling along with five other staff near Gamchacharan under the Upper Barhakamuda range of Similipal South
#CentreRushesWildlifeCrimeControlBureauTeam #Odisha #Poachers #Forester #SimlipalNationalPark
#centrerusheswildlifecrimecontrolbureauteam #odisha #poachers #forester #simlipalnationalpark
Now added table of contents navigation to #Forester. This was possible in userland at the level of XSLT, so no change to the tool was necesssary.
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
#Introduction. Retiree. Soto #zen #nun, practices in a repurposed tool shed. Former #forester, university #library manager and #permaculture smallholder. Kalapuya lands. Currently trying to put in some potatoes with a bad back and knee. #buddhism #poetry #gardening #homesteading #climate #resilience #hermits #hermitage
#introduction #zen #nun #forester #library #permaculture #buddhism #poetry #gardening #homesteading #climate #resilience #hermits #hermitage
Home of William Carson (“Pioneer Lumberman”) in Humboldt County. Built in 1885, now a private club. Image credit Kurt Angersbach / Westernlabs #forester #forest #lumberman #photography #history #art #architecture
#forester #forest #lumberman #photography #history #art #architecture
Finally became an adult today. Bought an actual grown up car because of the crash and safety ratings. But I still got a sport, cause you know...
#forester #subaru #dontgrowup #boxerfest
#Retiree. Former #forester, #FireFighter, #university #library manager (#GovernmentDocuments), #homesteader.
#homesteading, #climate, #ExtremeWeather, #justice, #CivilLiberties, #ukraine, #EndTimes, disaster/emergency #resilience, especially concerning #wildfires.
Moira Davidson is a character in On the Beach, q.v.
Sometimes I may boost a thing to let you know it was said, which is not at all the same as agreeing with it.
#retiree #forester #firefighter #university #library #governmentdocuments #homesteader #homesteading #climate #ExtremeWeather #Justice #civilliberties #ukraine #endtimes #resilience #wildfires #bend #oregon #pnw
I just parallelized the rendering of SVGs from tikz in #Forester and wow this is so much better lol
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
Het tellen van vleermuizen in hun winterverblijven is altijd weer spannend. Hoeveel zitten er dit jaar en zie je een verschil met afgelopen jaren nu het de afgelopen weken zo warm is geweest. Deze gewone grootoorvleermuizen zitten in een kelder in het Horsterwold. Dit jaar telde ik er 18. Meer als afgelopen jaren! #staatsbosbeheer #vleermuis #bats #wintertellingen #natuur #nature #nederland #netherlands #flevoland #horsterwold #zeewolde #boswachter #forester
#forester #boswachter #Zeewolde #horsterwold #Flevoland #netherlands #nederland #nature #natuur #wintertellingen #bats #vleermuis #staatsbosbeheer
My new treatment of macro preambles has made #forester about a zillion times easier to use... #ToolsForMathematicalThought
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
#forest #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #trees #nature_lovers #forester #photography #forests #nature_seekers #tree #nature_shooters #forest_captures #natureza #nature_brilliance #forest_masters #landscape #forestlovers #nature_perfection #tree_brilliance #naturegram #naturelover #love #natureonly #forestpark #instagood #forestry #naturephoto #woods #photooftheday
#forest #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #trees #nature_lovers #forester #photography #forests #nature_seekers #tree #nature_shooters #forest_captures #natureza #nature_brilliance #forest_masters #landscape #forestlovers #nature_perfection #tree_brilliance #naturegram #naturelover #love #natureonly #forestpark #instagood #forestry #naturephoto #woods #photooftheday
I have been working on user interfaces for contextualizing mathematical ideas in my new tool called #Forester. Here is a quick video showing the basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKTbDOZ5VeE
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
Holy crap, best #xmas #news EVER! 🥳🥳
I've just been offered a FULL-TIME, PERMANENT #JOB as a #Forest #Research #Scientist! 🌲🌳🎉🎉
We will be expanding our work on how we can diversify #Tree #Species & use #Silviculture to increase forest #Resilience to #ClimatChange.
I can't thank the people that helped me get here enough for their help, support and guidance. Wow... a permanent #science job...madness.
#Forests #Forestry #Climate #ClimateEmergency #ForestEcology #GlobalChange #Forester
#xmas #news #job #forest #research #scientist #tree #species #silviculture #resilience #climatchange #science #forests #forestry #Climate #climateemergency #Forestecology #globalchange #forester
It’s a lazy Sunday today, but for some reason I fancied a #FieldWatch for today’s #WristCheck.
#fieldwatch #wristcheck #casio #forester #casiocult
So, my #introduction. A regular user of another platform who hadn't heard of #Mastodon until last week. I'm a #professional and passionate #forester, living with #MND, so don't know how long I'll be here! (Also prone to bouts of "gallows humour"... 😉) Currently living(!), and working, in Wales :baner:. #Family man. #Foodie (while I can still eat). A bit of a #geek.
#geek #foodie #family #mnd #forester #professional #mastodon #introduction