"Throughout the European part of the Mediterranean – an area stretching from Greece through Italy, France and Spain, the coltura promiscua or coltura mista (translated as “promiscuous agriculture”, #polyculture or mixed farming) landscapes predominated in many regions.
Edible landscaping, #agroecology and #ForestGardening – the creation of productive environments conducive to human delectation and recreation that mimic the relationships, resilience, diversity, and dynamic processes of natural #ecosystems – are modern phrases for practices stretching back into earliest antiquity. Eden, Shangdu, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, are all superlative examples of edible landscaping."
#polyculture #agroecology #forestgardening #ecosystems
I'm trying a little test of Mastodon's reach, looking for #NorthernCalifornia people doing #agroforestry #AlleyCropping #silvopasture or #ForestGardening - I am especially interested to know how you're selling these products: direct/farmstand, distributor, or something else. Especially after watching https://youtu.be/M3B6oy1nz4A and seeing how badly farmers & ranchers are getting screwed, I don't want my money going to the "Big Four", while supporting #RegenerativeAgriculture
#northerncalifornia #agroforestry #alleycropping #silvopasture #forestgardening #regenerativeagriculture
RT @RHS_Learning@twitter.com
Out now!
Read the March issue of @GYOmag@twitter.com, and discover how to attract #pollinators with #ForestGardening from our Ornamental and Turf maintenance Professional Work Placement, Charlie Munro, @RHSBridgewater@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RHS_Learning/status/1618637275625324545
While some of the content of this article is debateable (fungi vs plants as lead operators when in fact IMO it's a symbiotic relationship where each needs the other) it has much of interest especially in building a mycorrhizal rich and productive food forest soil food web.
#ForestGardening #FoodForest #SoilFoodWeb #Permaculture #BiodiversityCrisis #Resilience
#forestgardening #foodforest #soilfoodweb #permaculture #biodiversitycrisis #resilience
"A #ForestGarden mimics the structure & diversity of a natural forest #ecosystem. It typically consists of various layers of fruit & nut trees, berries, herbs, vegetables, & other edible plants, all grown together in a mutually beneficial way.
The goal is to create a self-sustaining system that requires minimal maintenance & inputs while providing a diverse range of food & habitat for wildlife."
You can find plants for Forest Gardens here - https://www.balkep.org/forest-garden-plants1.html
#forestgarden #ecosystem #permaculture #forestgardening
Volunteering with the #forestgardening crew of @pawforestgarden@twitter.com in #Pevensey throughout 2022 has been a source of great solace & joy to me, & convinces me that #agroforestry is one of the key ecosystem restoration tools we have for resolving the #biodiversity & #climate crises.
#forestgardening #Pevensey #agroforestry #biodiversity #climate
@FreeRangePlay Really pleased to bump into you here as I'll be interested to learn more about your #ForestSchool and #ForestGardening activities. The community growing project that I belong to hosts various educational groups although I'm not involved in those myself.
#forestgardening #forestschool
#EdibleLandscaping, #agroecology & #ForestGardening, [#permaculture) – i.e. "The creation of productive environments conducive to human delectation & recreation that mimic the relationships, resilience, diversity, & dynamic processes of natural ecosystems – are modern phrases for practices stretching back into earliest antiquity."
#EdibleLandscaping #agroecology #forestgardening #permaculture
Some great transferable ideas here too for growing undercover in cold climes.
#ForestGardening #Permaculture
The Forest Garden Greenhouse: How to Design and Manage an Indoor Permaculture Oasis https://g.co/kgs/A9SRQK
#forestgardening #permaculture
I was serious.
I live in a lovely apartment with fabulous views of the #blueridgemountains.
But I miss being able to plant seeds and such, and build my own compost.
I love the idea of #ForestGardening.
But I cannot afford what is for sale or rent now.
#blueridgemountains #forestgardening
I've moved my interests list out of my Bio as it was hitting size constraints 🤭
#COP27 #COP15
#RegenerativeAgriculture #RegenAg #regenerativefarming #regenfarming #soilfoodweb #soilhealth #ecology #agroecology #agroforestry #biomimicry #holisticgrazing #forestgardening #growlocal #cop27 #cop15 #climateemergency #climatechange #keepitintheground #52climateactions
in the interest of cultivating mycelial connections here,
i am attempting to overcome my aversion to hashtags. ;)
#agroecología #agroforestry #anarquía #beekeeping #decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum
#foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #morethanhuman #mutualaid #mycoremediation#noborders #poetry #punkrock #skepticism #synesthesia
#agroecología #agroforestry #Anarquía #beekeeping #Decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum #foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #moreThanHuman #MutualAid #mycoremediation #poetry #PunkRock #skepticism #synesthesia
i’ve been advised to overcome my aversion to hashtags in the interest of cultivating mycelial connections here. so i’m going for it. ;)
#fnb #MutualAid #botany #beekeeping #agroecologia #agroforestry #forestgardening #foodsovereignty #mycoremediation #Decoloniality #Anarquía #noborders #ecocriticism #histsci #historyofscience #envhist #envhum #multispecies #moreThanHuman #nobodycriminalized #poetry #PunkRock #synesthesia #skepticism #metalsmithing #eds
I’m working on a seasonal calendar for PNW #forestgardening. Trying to decide where the calendar begins. Gardening doesn’t run on a human calendar, and instead builds plant upon plant, leaf upon leaf, raindrop upon raindrop. What comes after is dependent on what came before. This difference became evident when I first began to work with PNW native perennials, which germinate in the fall cold & wet but don’t grow large until spring and summer. #seasonalsuccessinthepnw #yourgardenfriend #garden
#forestgardening #seasonalsuccessinthepnw #yourgardenfriend #garden