Coho · @Coho
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You dont see many young oaks. Deer eat oak seedlings, and oak groves have a hard time regenerating. One easy effective way to protect oak seedlings is to use a small loop of fence around them, until they're about three feet tall. Three feet tall is the magic height where a little pruning by deer doesn't hurt them. I use a single stake to hold the fence up.
The oak pictured is a teenager, about 15 yrs old, just a little fence for a few years and there's a healthy young tree. Another technique i use is to place a small brush pile over seedlings. A forester visited my land and remarked on the unusual amount of young oaks, he said he doesn't see oak grove regeneration often.

#oaktrees #oakforests #forestregenerationtechniques #simpleforeststewardship

Last updated 1 year ago