#SCOTUS OKs completion of #MountainValleyPipeline
The pipeline is controversial, & over the past 6 yrs, various lower federal court decisions have interrupted & delayed its construction. In the current round of #litigation, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order that temporarily blocked completion of the #pipeline while the court reviewed #ForestService & #BureauOfLandManagement authorizations for the pipeline's completion.
#scotus #mountainvalleypipeline #litigation #pipeline #forestservice #bureauoflandmanagement #joemanchin
A few opportunities with the USDA Climate Hubs including a post-doc for inland #Northwest #agriculture, two fellows with the #California Climate Hub, and one #ORISE National Climate Hub fellow.
#postdoc #fellowship #ClimateChange #adaptation #mitigation #ARS #ForestService#carbon #climate
#northwest #agriculture #california #orise #postdoc #fellowship #ClimateChange #adaptation #mitigation #ars #forestservice #climate
#bricedailyphoto #wildfire #onlyyou #forestservice #smokeybear #sisters #oregon #performativeactivism
A web site about the #UpperCheatRiver Project of the #ForestService . Gives the details and highlights the issues of #Climate change that impact #Flooding and loss of #Biodiversity. The project is a threat to #ClimateForests that are #WorthMoreStanding.
#uppercheatriver #forestservice #climate #flooding #biodiversity #ClimateForests #WorthMoreStanding
Not only are the Central #Appalachians an important storehouse of #carbon but this article finds that they are an important worldwide site of additional carbon #sequestration. #ForestService do not #clearcut these #ClimateForests
"...dataset shows that eastern North America, the Amazon, the Congo Basin, Europe, boreal forests, southern China, and Southeast Asia are carbon sinks" https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/3013/2022/
#appalachians #carbon #sequestration #forestservice #clearcut #ClimateForests
It supported Veery and Wood Thrush but now the #ForestService wants to create young forest by #clearcutting 3,500 ares of #EcologicallyMature and #OldGrowth #forest.
#forestservice #clearcutting #ecologicallymature #oldgrowth #forest
Thank you for highlighting the #UpperCheatRiver project that is #clearcutting #OldGrowth #forest, just like other #ForestService projects in the East. e.g. the #TelephoneGap project. #WorthMoreStanding
RT @kswild
Last week, KS Wild's Forest & Climate Coordinator, Alexi Lovechio, and activists from across the country met in Washington DC to advocate for mature and old-growth forest protections on all federal lands! 🌲🌲🌲
#uppercheatriver #clearcutting #oldgrowth #forest #forestservice #telephonegap #WorthMoreStanding
#Missoulian: #Tester grills #ForestService chief over #HollandLake Lodge
Joshua Murdock
#MissoulaCounty #Montana #PublicLands
(IMO this project will only provide access to public lands for the very wealthy and will have negative impacts on most human Montanans and on the integrity of Montana ecosystems and biodiversity.)
#missoulian #tester #forestservice #hollandlake #missoulacounty #montana #publiclands
New from the #DemingHeadlight: A #ForestService road leading to a popular trail in the #Gila National Forest in #KingstonNM now has a locked gate closing off access to the Aldo Leopold Wilderness boundary.
The new owner of a private parcel of adjacent to the forest has closed off a swath of #publiclands, infuriating local residents while local and federal officers say there may or may not be any recourse.
#demingheadlight #forestservice #gila #kingstonnm #publiclands
#SuzanneSimard #majored in #ForestManagement at #UBC w/her summers spent working for a #LoggingCompany & the #ForestService .
She has drawn special #attention to so-called #MotherTrees , the oldest, most abundantly connected individuals, which play #indispensable roles in #nurturing seedlings & helping #forests #heal after disturbances.
#BritishColumbia #SaveOldGrowth #StopEcocide #biodiversity #ElderTrees #protectOldGrowth #protectOldGrowth #AncientForests
#SuzanneSimard #majored #forestmanagement #ubc #loggingcompany #forestservice #attention #mothertrees #indispensable #nurturing #forests #heal #britishcolumbia #SaveOldGrowth #stopecocide #biodiversity #eldertrees #protectoldgrowth #ancientforests
These are majestic grandmother and grandfather trees. Some of the very last #oldtrees in New England set to be #cut by the #forestservice
Comments currently stand at 1284. Can you help us get to 1500 by the end of the day?
Take action here!
#forests #oldtrees #cut #forestservice
As more of us head out for outdoor adventure, make sure your fires are OUT
#usfs #ushotshots #hotshot #smokejumpers #forestservice #helitack #wildlandfire #smokeythebear #preventfires #hankandboats #cartoon #dogsofmastodon #starstruck #watercolour
www.Smokeybear.com for more
#usfs #ushotshots #hotshot #smokejumpers #forestservice #helitack #wildlandfire #smokeythebear #preventfires #hankandboats #cartoon #dogsofmastodon #starstruck #watercolour
https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/01/31/new-u-s-house-natural-resources-chair-opposes-limits-on-fossil-fuel-development/ #GOPcorruption #EnvironmentalPolicy #CorporatePolluters The incoming chairman of the U.S. House #NaturalResources Committee wants to allow more mining & believes technology — not limitations on #FossilFuel production — is the best way to address #ClimateChange
House Republicans selected Arkansas’ Bruce Westerman to lead the panel that oversees the U.S. #InteriorDepartment & the U.S. #ForestService and has a major role in shaping federal energy and environmental policy.
#gopcorruption #environmentalpolicy #corporatepolluters #naturalresources #fossilfuel #climatechange #interiordepartment #forestservice
Wednesday's edition of the #DemingHeadlight is PACKED, and there's breaking news on DemingHeadlight.com, too. In this issue: A strange story from #ColumbusNM, #NewMexico Special Auditor orders exam of #DemingNM utilities, the #ForestService is sued to prevent aerial shooting of feral cattle in the #Gila wilderness, high school sports, and #NMleg updates from the state Legislature. I love this paper. #localnews #newspapers
#demingheadlight #columbusnm #newmexico #demingnm #forestservice #gila #nmleg #localnews #newspapers
Over 200 year old red oak and sugar maple #trees in West Virginia. Unfortunately proposed to be #logged by the #ForestService as part of the #UpperCheatRiver Project to clearcut 3,500 acres of #EcologicallyMature and #OldGrowth #forest. For more info visit https://nfip-abra.hub.arcgis.com/pages/usfs-upper-cheat-river
#trees #logged #forestservice #uppercheatriver #ecologicallymature #oldgrowth #forest
More about the withdrawn #grazing proposal:
“Studies elsewhere have suggested #cattle can be managed to minimize impacts on #riparian areas, but that requires keeping cows out of the streams in the spring and summer, extensive fencing, alternative water projects and other more intensive management approaches.
The Forest Service in a letter to The Western Watershed Project concluded, “the new EA must better define the proposed action and alternatives, clearly describe the existing conditions, clearly disclose the potential site-specific resource effects of the actions for each alternative and describe the actions that may be take under an adaptive management strategy as well as the resource conditions that trigger those actions.”
#forestservice #adaptivemanagement
#grazing #cattle #riparian #forestservice #adaptivemanagement
Via @Hredman, #CenterForBiologicalDiversity, #FriendsOfWisconsinWolf&Wildlife & other conservation & wildlife groups petition U.S. #ForestService to ban hunting with hounds in Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.
#centerforbiologicaldiversity #friendsofwisconsinwolf #forestservice
Ex-Arizona governor’s illegal makeshift border wall is torn down — but at what cost? - The Guardian https://apple.news/AMpwA6_AcRLOwrwR_eUrdHw #environment #wildlife #forests #ForestService #TaxDollars #PoliticalStunt #GOP #USpol #arizona
#environment #wildlife #forests #forestservice #Taxdollars #politicalstunt #gop #uspol #arizona
Horrible the damage being done to our lands. Read more here ... https://twitter.com/PeccaryNotPig/status/1614728432457502720?t=u16MLXUBN7cFhPUDH7pc2g&s=19
Sadly this area is proposed for #clearcutting under the #ForestService #UpperCheatRiver project to clearcut 3,500 acres of older #forest, including #OldGrowth
#clearcutting #forestservice #uppercheatriver #forest #oldgrowth