RT @unredd
Did you know?
Approximately 75 percent of the world's accessible freshwater for agricultural, domestic, industrial and environmental uses comes from #forests
Save forests, save water!
Happy #WorldWaterDay
@UNEP @UN_Water
#forestsforlife #worldwaterday #forests
RT @unredd
Saviez-vous que les forêts abritent 80 % de la biodiversité terrestre ? Elles aident également à réguler les flux d'eau et à prévenir l'érosion des sols, et contribuent à fournir de la nourriture, de l'eau douce et d'autres ressources tangibles
#forestsforlife #IntlForestDay
RT @unredd
Not only do #forests have great potential for contributing to #climatechange mitigation, but they also generate exceptional returns for people and the planet including good health.
#IntlForestDay #ForestsForLife
#forestsforlife #IntlForestDay #climatechange #forests
RT @unredd
Reducing #deforestation and #forest degradation is critical to managing risks related to the emergence of future zoonotic diseases and global pandemics like COVID-19
#IntlForestDay #ForestsForLife🌲
#forestsforlife #IntlForestDay #forest #deforestation