Connoisseur der Komfortzone 🥰
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #Hund #Hunde #Hundeliebe #LebenmitHund #dogcontent #faulerHund #Süßkeks #Streuner #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #foreverhome #Tierschutzhunde
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #hund #hunde #hundeliebe #lebenmithund #dogcontent #faulerhund #sußkeks #streuner #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #foreverhome #Tierschutzhunde
#Sunday 🎶
'We can't go on together
With 🎶suspicious minds
And we can't build our dreams🎵
On suspicious minds' ~Mark James 1968
Theme song for #TabbyCat #Stevie 🐈& #TuxieGirl #Betty 🐈⬛who are definitely suspicious of each other as #TheJourney #Together continues & they learn to navigate their #ForEverHome #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #foreverhome #together #TheJourney #betty #tuxiegirl #stevie #tabbycat #sunday
Mér finnst það svo krúttlegt að sjá köttinn okkar dreyma, hristir loppur og kippist til vegna þess sem hana er að dreyma. Svo eftir stutta stund vaknar hún, mjálmar og kemur og sækir athygli frá okkur (oftast mér).
Grunar að hana sé að dreyma eitthvað slæmt og að við höfum farið, því hún er búin að fara svo mikið milli heimila áður en við komum til sögunnar.
When the ship is sinking "Man's best friend" is thrown overboard. Animal cruelty reports are rising across the country in times when the 'forever home' is not attainable for all living beings.
#Pets #PetIndustry #Dogs #Cats #CompanionAnimals #dumping #cruelty #consumerism #ForeverHome
#pets #petindustry #dogs #cats #companionanimals #dumping #cruelty #consumerism #foreverhome
#ThrowbackThursday A little over a month ago at the shelter, my butler staff were picking me up to take me to my new #ForEverHome ❤️😺♥️. I've learned SO many things since then. It's been a challenge for us all, but I'm doing the very best I can to learn to be a good citizen in my new home. I still have a challenging journey ahead, but I have support n love. #TuxieGirl #Betty #AdoptDontShop #SlowCatIntro #TuxiTude #CatsTodon #CatsOfMastodon #Cats
#cats #catsofmastodon #catstodon #tuxitude #slowcatintro #adoptdontshop #betty #tuxiegirl #foreverhome #throwbackthursday
#AdoptDontShp This weekend will be my one month anniversary of my Adoption Day & arrival at my #ForEverHome ❤️. I've coped with MANY, many things; Resident cat Stevie, the dog, the Human staff/butlers, new litter&box, new room, new house, new neighborhood,new food, new scents, new noises, new living routine, new #Catification, #CatTV & new #ClickerTraining which I
l❤️ve almost as much as my new food 😹. #Betty #TuxiGirl
#tuxigirl #betty #clickertraining #cattv #catification #foreverhome #adoptdontshp
#SlowCatIntro Day 8 Update 🐈
Ate my breakfast, had a🪶good feather wand/climber play session while 🌼Daisy The Dog n Stevie The Cat were outside. Mom staff says tonight we'll have play time on the climber with Daisy in the room on leash with mom & dad plays with me. We'll see how that goes. I must learn to respect Daisy in my #ForEverHome I must learn to #CoExist
#coexist #foreverhome #slowcatintro
In my new #ForeverHome I have handmade toys! 😻 #TuxieTude #Catting #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #catting #tuxietude #foreverhome
#adoptme #foreverhome #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #ny #kingston #potato
These 2 beauties found their forever homes as soon as I posted their pictures!!! To find your special piece head over to our Etsy shop ( addy in bio) 🥰
#sold #foreverhome #malachite #fluorite #copperwirejewelry #handmadejewelry #ShopHandMade #moonsirens
#sold #foreverhome #malachite #fluorite #copperwirejewelry #handmadejewelry #shophandmade #moonsirens
I'm looking for a fur-ever home for this little tuxy lady. She's been spayed and gotten her shots, and she would love to crawl into your lap and be your fur-ever kitty.
Vet estimates her at 2 years old, in good health, would like to be friends with other cats. Strongminded and snuggly.
Current location south-eastern USA.
If you know someone, please pass the word along!
#cats #adoption #snuggle #foreverhome
#DogsOfMastodon #WendellTheRescue #AdoptDontShop #ForeverHome #WingsOfFreedomAnimalRescue
Wendell has been adopted! There's a family for every dog, and a dog for every family. His new dad is an engineer, and will look to see about a protective cover for Wendell's arms...we see no need to amputate or have surgery--he gets around great. No pain, and he doesn't know any different, so...
#dogsofmastodon #wendelltherescue #adoptdontshop #foreverhome #wingsoffreedomanimalrescue
Throwback to this day when Boudica was getting settled in her new furever home with us.
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Tonkinese #AdoptDontShop #ForeverHome
#caturday #catsofmastodon #tonkinese #adoptdontshop #foreverhome
I will RT this shy starlet until she has her forever home. Someone's life will become glamorous soon, I know it.
Every Thursday we share Elizabeth Taylor who has been overlooked for adoption for 7 years because she’s shy
She’s still waiting for a #foreverhome 🏠❤️🐾
#forgottensoulshour #cats #thursdayvibes #AdoptDontShop #LosAngeles #CatsOfTwitter #Hollywood #Queens
#queens #hollywood #catsoftwitter #losangeles #adoptdontshop #thursdayvibes #cats #forgottensoulshour #foreverhome
@Gleng2 if you ever have the chance to hold a #WhiteCockatoo, do it!!! They are the most affectionate animals you will ever meet!
My #MarshmallowPeep is 36 years old, could live to be 60 and is a very needy love bug 💜
He's a very handsome man!
So many of these beautiful birds outlive their initial owners. This beautiful man was up for #adoption when his elderly owners gave him up to a pet store in #Berkeley, #California where I met him. #ForeverHome
#whitecockatoo #marshmallowpeep #adoption #berkeley #california #foreverhome
🍀118 Schützlinge sind gut angekommen🍀
Der erste Transport in diesem Jahr brachte 118 Seelen ins #Glück 😍 Herzlich willkommen im Leben! ❤️
#AdoptDontShop #Adoptable #adoptables #adoption #adoptme #RescueDogs #rescueismyfavoitebreed #straydog #animalrescue #foreverhome #dog
#dog #foreverhome #animalrescue #straydog #rescueismyfavoitebreed #rescuedogs #adoptme #adoption #adoptables #adoptable #adoptdontshop #gluck
Look at her! Look at Elizabeth Taylor! You can look at her every day if you go escort her to her forever mansion!
Every Thursday we tweet Elizabeth Taylor in #LosAngeles #California who has been overlooked for adoption for 7 years because she’s shy
She is still waiting for her #foreverhome 🏠❤️🐾
#forgottensoulshour #cute #cats #CatsOfTwitter #AdoptDontShop
#adoptdontshop #catsoftwitter #cats #cute #forgottensoulshour #foreverhome #california #losangeles
We took our #FosterCats for shots at the mobile clinic tonight.
Two already have a #ForeverHome although they will need transported. My partner will drive them to Massachusetts after they get their boosters.
❄️ unsere Snowflake ist eine ganz fröhliche 2 jährige Hündin 😍 sie wickelt wirklich jeden um die Pfote & wünscht sich ein Zuhause 🥰
#AdoptDontShop #adoptable #adoptme #RescueDog #RescueDogs #foreverhome #Homeless #DogLover #tierschutz #adoption #foradoption #rescueme #doglife
#DogLife #RescueMe #foradoption #adoption #tierschutz #doglover #homeless #foreverhome #rescuedogs #rescuedog #adoptme #adoptable #adoptdontshop
Miss Liz has been waiting way too long. 😭
Every Thursday we tweet Elizabeth Taylor in #LosAngeles #California who has been overlooked for adoption for 7 years because she’s shy…
She is still waiting for her #foreverhome 🏠❤️🐾
#forgottensoulshour #cute #cats #CatsOfTwitter #AdoptDontShop
#adoptdontshop #catsoftwitter #cats #cute #forgottensoulshour #foreverhome #california #losangeles