#ForeverKnight 34 (1995) - 9/10
1️⃣ Guest stars: #AmandaTapping (#StargateSG1) & #JulieStewart (#ColdSquad).
2️⃣ Good story, smart script by #PhilBedard & #LarryLalonde.
3️⃣ Scientists are experimenting with near death experiences, which leads the regular characters to ponder some profound matters.
4️⃣ Of course, it causes Nick to rethink his own personal choices. And we get to see his origin.
5️⃣ Can’t think of any other FK episodes with so much filming done outside during the day. In a desert, too!
#foreverknight #amandatapping #stargatesg1 #juliestewart #coldsquad #philbedard #larrylalonde
Started my #ForeverKnight rewatch on March 11th, 2009.
Projected end date, at my current pace, is June 30th, 2044.
#TVReviews #Vampire #Vampires #90sTV #TVDetectives
#foreverknight #tvreviews #vampire #vampires #90stv #tvdetectives
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #frasier #gvse #banacek #branded #FamousFive #foreverknight #ittakesathief #peoplelikeus #almostperfect #benson #theboldones #carolineinthecity #hillstreetblues #hyperionbay #idreamofjeannie #inbedwithmedinner #santabarbara #areyoubeingserved #isis #justshootme #dustystrail #beyondwestworld #kungfuthelegendcontinues #talesfromthecrypt
#ForeverKnight 33 (1994) - 9/10
Is redemption possible?
1️⃣ Does a terrific job of telling a tale about the atrocities of modern warfare within the bounds of the FK formula. Ending is thoughtful and downbeat.
2️⃣ #JonCassar (#TwentyFour, #TheOrville) directs. And the guest cast includes: #VonFlores (#TekWar, #EarthFinalConflict), #ClarkJohnson (#Homicide, #TheWire) and #GordonMichaelWoolvett (#DeepwaterBlack, #Andromeda).
📺 My 325th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h13m of TV, per day.
#foreverknight #joncassar #twentyfour #theorville #vonflores #tekwar #earthfinalconflict #clarkjohnson #homicide #thewire #gordonmichaelwoolvett #deepwaterblack #andromeda #tvreview #90stv
For April, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#FridayThe13th #BarneyMiller #HighwayPatrol #TheOddCouple #Cheers #NightCourt #AreYouBeingServed? #Werewolf #TalesFromTheCrypt #Columbo #FernwoodTonight #FamousFive #Isis #30Rock #Highlander #ForeverKnight #Frasier #Batman #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #MagnumPI #MikeHammer #HarryO #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #50sTV
#classictv #fridaythe13th #barneymiller #highwaypatrol #theoddcouple #cheers #nightcourt #areyoubeingserved #werewolf #talesfromthecrypt #Columbo #fernwoodtonight #FamousFive #isis #30rock #highlander #foreverknight #frasier #batman #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #magnumpi #mikehammer #harryo #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #50stv
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #catweazle #highlander #midnightcaller #perfectstrangers #batman #foreverknight #myworldandwelcometoit #riptide #soap #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #benson #fernwoodtonight #hardcastleandmccormick #thehunger #idreamofjeannie #scoobydoo #taxi #talesfromthecrypt #thisisdavidlander #tjhooker #waroftheworlds #dustystrail #magnumpi #areyoubeingserved #viper
#ForeverKnight 32 (1994) - 9/10
Thoughtful script by #GillianHorvath.
1️⃣ On the surface, it’s a crime drama about a young mobster who wants to get away from his grandfather and his commitments to his family. Because he wants a better life for his own son.
#foreverknight #gillianhorvath
For March, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#GvsE #Two #30Rock #JustShootMe! #Benson #TheHardyBoys #Catweazle #TheNewAvengers #ThisIsDavidLander #Riptide #WarOfTheWorlds #Gargoyles #MisfitsOfScience #McMillanAndWife #Werewolf #TheHunger #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #TheDaysAndNightsOfMollyDodd #IDreamOfJeannie #TJHooker #Fernwood2Night #ForeverKnight
#classictv #gvse #two #30rock #justshootme #benson #thehardyboys #catweazle #thenewavengers #thisisdavidlander #riptide #waroftheworlds #gargoyles #misfitsofscience #mcmillanandwife #werewolf #thehunger #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #thedaysandnightsofmollydodd #idreamofjeannie #tjhooker #fernwood2night #foreverknight #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv
Forever Knight Rider
#ForeverKnight #KnightRider
#reboottwotvshowsintoone #foreverknight #knightrider
Forever Knight, Season 1
Nick: In my 800 years as a vampire I have never made another vampire!
Forever Knight, Season 2
Vampire of the week: Remember when I wanted to have a baby and you made me a vampire instead?
Nick: …800 years is a lot to remember.
#foreverknight #television #vampire
Someone uploaded a couple seasons of the late-night Canadian vampire detective show #ForeverKnight to youtube, and I'm enjoying a rare burst of angsty nostalgia from watching the pilot. I only saw a few episodes of it here and there as a teen, so I figured my memories were rose-tinted, but.. it's actually kinda great. :)
(insert 'product of its time' disclaimer here)
4. lmao my first serious fandom was #ForeverKnight and my actual first fandom was the #ForgottenRealms tie-in novels. I wrote sooo much fic for both when I was a teenager. My username is actually a Forgotten Realms thing because I'm a nerd and also I haven't changed my online identity in over 20 years which is kinda horrifying actually.
#foreverknight #forgottenrealms #fandomfriendingmeme