Let's not mince words.
It is the creator saying outright that they were trying to solve their problem of being unable to get people to work #ForExposure at a mass scale.
This is why I'm describing what they are doing with language as a "shell game."
#Haidra _cannot_ be ethically neutral middleware when the author's stated purpose in building and running the system is to make it so that people can avoid needing to pay artists for their work.
There are other problems, but start there.
LOL, schon Arnold Schönberg hat offenbar versucht mit #forexposure durchzukommen. Richtiger Influencer der Typ.
RT @FilosofenNils@twitter.com
Alltså sälj det här jävla landet eller återupprätta Kalmarunionen för vi kan inte ha statsanställda som arbetar #forexposure! https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/trafikverkets-anstallda--uppmanas-jobba-gratis/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FilosofenNils/status/1601225389090578434
I don't know how they managed it, but the "Adam" film GOT EVEN WORSE!
Turns out they tried to rip off a NB artist, wanting to use her artwork for free, claiming the old "exposure" trick. They didn't even offer to pay for their shipping costs.
Like I know that other thread about the extras said not to hate on the director, but he was in charge of all this. The buck stops there.
#transphobia #forexposure #adam