lmaoo i played more #ForgedInShadowTorch and noticed references to Hollow Knight, Dark Souls, and Doom!
Kids woke me up at 4:30am today *again*. Then of course I couldn't go back to sleep.
The bright side is that I had a few hours to play and I've used them to finish #ForgedInShadowTorch. Quite fun #metroidvania, absolutely gorgeous backgrounds, and a nice and rich combat. Exploration is ok, discovering new areas is a treat to the eye but, because of the way the map and the fast travel is laid out, backtracking feels sometimes a bit of a chore.
Still, a solid game really worth playing!
#forgedinshadowtorch #metroidvania
I don't know for sure, but I'm going to assume this right here in #ForgedInShadowTorch is a reference to #Bloodborne
#forgedinshadowtorch #bloodborne
Current status of the games I'm playing:
#DemonsSouls: Multiple fronts open, getting savagely killed in all of them.
#OcarinaOfTime: Just started it, trying to get into Hyrule castle.
#DragonAgeInquisition: Trying to engage with the plot, open world doesn't help because of the tons of random markers in the map.
#ForgedInShadowTorch: Loving the setting and graphics, enjoying a very decent metroidvania.
#demonssouls #ocarinaoftime #dragonageinquisition #forgedinshadowtorch
En Epic están que se saen. Se onte estaba de balde #DeathStranding hoxe teñen #FIST #ForgedInShadowTorch, un plataformas metroidvania* moi guapo, tamén pola face ata mañá ás 17:00.
*Que me leve o demo se sei que quere dicir ese palabro, pero o poño porque así parece que entendo e tal...
#forgedinshadowtorch #fist #deathstranding #videoxogos