#SeptembeRPG Day 10: A mash-up of games you did or you're thinking of doing. I've been appreciating someone's conversion of #arsmagica into a Forged in the Dark game and looking forward to taking it out for a spin some day. #fitd #forgedinthedark
#septemberpg #arsmagica #fitd #forgedinthedark
Pretty sure I've read this book 4 or 5 times now ... still so many secrets to unlock
#bitd #bladesinthedark #fitd #forgedinthedark #ttrpg #rpg
@awinnef Ich spiele aktuell in mehreren Runden Kampagnen verschiedener Systeme und bin gut ausgelastet, wodurch leider die Zeit für Oneshots zum Austesten anderer Spiele fehlt.
Ich würde aber sehr gerne mal A Fistful of Darkness spielen, um zu schauen ob der #ForgedInTheDark-Funke nicht vielleicht doch nochmal auf mich überspringt. Und irgendwann möchte ich endlich mal The Legacy of Arrius Lurco, eine Kampagne für #CthulhuInvictus, leiten.
#forgedinthedark #cthulhuinvictus
Making a character for Court of Blades, a Forged in the Dark game of court intrigue and romance. I'm excited to have an opportunity to trot out one of my favorite character archetypes, which is also highly situational: "spy who spends so much time being other people they don't remember who they are."
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #CharacterCreation #CourtOfBlades #CourtOfBladesRPG #ForgedInTheDark
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #charactercreation #CourtofBlades #courtofbladesrpg #forgedinthedark
Hot damn, the new #CandelaObscura trailer. I guess I should catch up on Chapter 1. #CriticalRole #TTRPG #ForgedInTheDark #FITD
#candelaobscura #criticalrole #ttrpg #forgedinthedark #fitd
Starting sharing about #TTRPG #RPGaDay late - but still time to catch up.
1 - First game I played this year was my own hack of #BladesInTheDark set in the #WFRP #WarhammerFantasyRoleplay setting.
We started playing the #EnemyWithin campaign.
I really like how the #ForgedInTheDark system works together with the setting and the campaign.
Here's a #playbook as well
#playbook #forgedinthedark #enemywithin #warhammerfantasyroleplay #wfrp #bladesinthedark #RPGaDAY #ttrpg
@nisjasper Suche gerade nach Spielern für Runners in the Shadows (#shadowrun, aber #forgedinthedark ) schwierig, irgendwie. Das rifts-Grundbuch war großartig. Ist einem Umzug anheim gefallen, zusammen mit cyberpunk2020
#RPGaDay2023 day 4
Notable as it needs way more coverage: #RunnersInTheShadows where #shadowrun meets #forgedinthedark . An #RPG lovechild if ever there was one.
#rpgaday2023 #runnersintheshadows #shadowrun #forgedinthedark #rpg
@ericmpaq I own and enjoy #TheSprawl with both SitS and Touched. I also like Sixth World as another take. My version is inspired by both, with tweaks to add the generational aspect (because of course) using career clocks that count down as runners acquire career baggage (debts, age, obsolesence, heat, enemies).
I've also taken some inspriation from Runners in the Sprawl, which is a #ForgedInTheDark take on SR.
#thesprawl #forgedinthedark #ttrpg
What a fantastic idea! Found a bunch of new and known folks to follow!
Hello! I'm the sole proprietor of Not Writing Games! I make and talk about #solorpg and am obsessed with #bladesinthedark and #forgedinthedark games.
I'm also a huge lover of the #cyberpunk genre including games and stories and art of all kinds. I love storytelling and hate capitalism.
Also if you're a fan of the film #MichaelClayton we'd probably have some things in common :P
#soloRPG #bladesinthedark #forgedinthedark #cyberpunk #michaelclayton
Stuff I like, and like to talk about:
#DnD #5e, including #TalesOfTheValiant #ToV
#Pathfinder2e #PF2e
#BladesInTheDark #ForgedInTheDark #BitD #FitD
#ShadowOfTheDemonLord #SotDL
#ResistanceSystem #SparkedByTheResistance
#Horror games
#InstructionalDesign #ISD
#LearningGames and #TeachingGames
#Maps and #Art
#DnD #5e #talesofthevaliant #tov #pathfinder2e #pf2e #fate #bladesinthedark #forgedinthedark #bitd #fitd #ShadowoftheDemonLord #SotDL #resistancesystem #sparkedbytheresistance #slayers #heart #mage #UnknownArmies #yearzeroengine #horror #urbanfantasy #gamedesign #worldbuilding #monsters #GMAdvice #gamemastering #genre #instructionaldesign #isd #learninggames #teachinggames #maps #art #diy #trophyrpg
@LeviKornelsen I'm here for it all. #ttrpg of most any form (#osr but not the bro part). Love #pbta and #forgedInTheDark as well as those odd hacks. #traveller and #withoutNumber #wwn #swn #cwn
#ttrpg #osr #pbta #forgedinthedark #traveller #withoutnumber #wwn #swn #cwn
@LeviKornelsen Speaking of Tribe 8, very likely to talk about that a lot considering I'm working on a FitD reboot called Tribes in the Dark.
*- *Cortex Prime in general and Tales of Xadia
- Forged in the Dark in general
- Commie storygame stuff in general
- Random commentary on the hobby, trends, a little bit of theory, playstyles
- Boosting the hell out of other people
Some handy hashtags:
#TribesInTheDark #Tribe8RPG #CortexPrime #TalesOfXadia #FitD #ForgedInTheDark #FitD
#tribesinthedark #tribe8rpg #cortexprime #TalesOfXadia #fitd #forgedinthedark
So, having just finished reading Girl by Moonlight, and seeing somebody mention how Werewolves are basically magical girls... I now really want to use the system to run a werewolf story... What do you think?
#forgedinthedark #ttrpg #GirlByMoonlight #werewolf
I just finished reading Girl By Moonlight, and it is a credit to Forged in the Dark games that whenever I read one, I really want to run it.
#ttrpg #GirlByMoonlight #forgedinthedark #evilhat
Ayer estaba repasando la libreta de “proyectos roleros que no verán la luz”. Tengo un juego que se quedó aparcado porque salieron 2 de esa temática. No lo veo muy descabellado y aunque, en principio estaba pensando en un #PbtA, me están dando unas ganas tremendas de darle forma y hacerlo como un #ForgedInTheDark
@rivetgeek I was hoping to find & play in a #ForgedInTheDark game this year at GenCon for this exact reason, but alas there are surprisingly few that I could find, and they all filled up lighting quick 😅
Everybody has white whales when it comes to running #TTRPGs. Mine is, surprisingly, #BladesInTheDark. I absolutely love Duskvol's aesthetic (Thief and DIshonored are my favorite video games of all time). Running #ForgedInTheDark comes naturally to me. But when I've run it, it always seems to fall a little flat. I don't know if it's my expectations (nobody has ever complained) or the players aren't as in to it as I am. Maybe I just need to *play* in the BitD game.
#ttrpgs #bladesinthedark #forgedinthedark
Witches of Midnight is an urban horror, and Balsamic use the phrase "Hopeful horror" to describe the game, which sounds like an oxymoron. https://www.geeknative.com/158954/witches-of-midnight-tarot-and-rpg-of-urban-horror/ #forgedinthedark
As the Sun Forever Sets is a new roleplaying game by Riley Daniels, and Evil Hat Productions have an open sign-up for playtesting. https://www.geeknative.com/158809/as-the-sun-forever-sets-evil-hat-opens-playtest-new-forged-in-the-dark-rpg/ #forgedinthedark