Today's , well not-so-forgotten, as it is a staple of any or band worth its salt... But what it I told you my first ever encounter in my teens with or was through... the ? Yes you heard it right! Meet hurdy-gurdist (is that a word?) Valentin Clastrier, on his tongue-in-cheek LP "Grands maîtres de la vielle à roue - Great Masters of the Hurdy-Gurdy"!

#forgotteninstrument #mediaeval #revival #folk #contemporaryclassical #moderncreative #music #hurdygurdy #forgottenistruments

Last updated 2 years ago

Another day, another ... Meet the viola d'amore, similar to a or but with six to seven melodic and, more importantly, a number of non-playable (resonating) metal strings which provide warm, lush and -like .

#forgotteninstrument #violin #viola #strings #sympathetic #drone #harmonics #violadamore #forgotteninstruments #classicalmusic #baroquemusic #organology #instrumentarium

Last updated 2 years ago

Another day, another ... Meet the viola d'amore, similar to a or but with six to seven melodic and, more importantly, a number of non-playable (resonating) metal strings which provide warm, lush and -like .

#forgotteninstrument #violin #viola #strings #sympathetic #drone #harmonics #violadamore #forgotteninstruments #classicalmusic #baroquemusic #organology #instrumentarium

Last updated 2 years ago

Another day, another ... Meet the viola d'amore, similar to a or but with six to seven melodic and, more importantly, a number of non-playable (resonating) strings which provide warm, lush and -like .

#forgotteninstrument #violin #viola #strings #sympathetic #drone #harmonics #violadamore #forgotteninstruments #classicalmusic #baroquemusique #organology

Last updated 2 years ago