Douglas VB · @douglasvb
238 followers · 1740 posts · Server

The power is still out at but the generator is doing just fine. We got another 3 feet of snow overnight. I'm not even sure how much we have anymore. I think it's about 24f outside but I believe all of the temperature sensors I have deployed are buried under the snow. The mounds of snow from where the roof sheds are getting high enough you can't really see outside anymore. It's supposed to stop snowing today. Then we can assess where we're at.

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
240 followers · 1732 posts · Server

Here's a problem I never thought I'd have... The sensor array I've got at is within about a foot of being overtopped by the snow. The pole it's on is about 15 feet high if memory serves.

Once it goes under the snow, I don't think the temperature readings are going to be accurate anymore 😂

#ambientweather #forkedmeadow #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
240 followers · 1730 posts · Server

The power has been out since this morning at and according to there are a total of 80 customers out. That's basically the summer cabins in our area and us. So it could be quite a while before a crew gets dispatched and makes it through the blizzard to restore power.

The propane generator is up and running, and so far everything is fine.

The next band of snow should hit soon.

#forkedmeadow #california #sce #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
239 followers · 1723 posts · Server

The clouds and snow have abated enough to see the ridge in the distance (look on the left side just to the right of the close tree) for the first time in a week or two! I wonder how much snow is laying on the ground up there. And I wonder how much snow is laying on top of Nelson Mountain (out of frame to the left).

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx #blizzard #snowpocalypse

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
240 followers · 1719 posts · Server

We had light snow overnight at which added maybe another two inches to the massive total we've got so far. It went down to 14f and is currently 18f. The next band of moisture should be arriving soon. I wonder how much snow we'll get today!

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
240 followers · 1712 posts · Server

We've picked up at least 2 feet of snow today at during this . And it looks like another 6+ feet are on the way by the end of Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be our opportunity to dig out and prepare for another front moving in Saturday evening through Monday. That front is expected to be weaker but we shall see.

#forkedmeadow #california #blizzard #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
238 followers · 1704 posts · Server

It's currently 25f and getting close to whiteout conditions with the wind howling at . If you don't need to go to the mountains today, then don't even bother trying. This is a crazy that's supposed to go into Wednesday.

The photos don't do it justice for how much of a whiteout this actually is.

#forkedmeadow #california #blizzard #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
238 followers · 1685 posts · Server

The next storm has arrived at . So far it's just light snow. The temperature is 26f. Let's see if we really do get 7+ feet of snow by Wednesday evening. Board conditions start tomorrow.

#forkedmeadow #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
236 followers · 1668 posts · Server

Working on widening the driveway at before the coming in on Monday. We've got a starting this afternoon. Now the NWS is saying up to 7 feet of new snow by the end of Wednesday.

That's a with a big snow blower attachment. It's how we keep things open in the winter. The driveway is a bit more than a half mile long to get to the county road that PG&E keeps open for access to one of their hydro projects.

#forkedmeadow #california #blizzard #winterstormwarning #bobcat #skidsteer #cawx #dinkeycreek

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
234 followers · 1658 posts · Server

We picked up another inch or two of snow overnight at

It went down to 14f overnight and is curently 18f.

The weather forecast for the Forked Meadow / / area now has a for Monday through Wednesday and they're saying 3-7 feet of new snow in that time period will fall.

It's time to get out for more diesel for the snow blower and other supplies before the next storm rolls in.

#forkedmeadow #california #dinkeycreek #ShaverLake #blizzardwarning #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
229 followers · 1645 posts · Server

Finally. A break in the snow. We have 12 feet of compacted snow on the ground in many places. Some places have drifts much higher than that. The next storm I think is due in tomorrow evening at although I imagine we'll get snow showers off and on until then. What an epic storm!

#forkedmeadow #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
226 followers · 1639 posts · Server

The roof is shedding more snow at and it's burying the uphill side of the house. And it's still snowing!

Good thing we closed the snow shutters this morning in preparation for this. It could be many weeks before we get sunlight through these windows.

We will have to raise the barricade height in the future for the next winter in the distant future when we get this much snow again.

This is the biggest winter in decades. This is great for the forest and meadows!

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
226 followers · 1638 posts · Server

It's becoming a bit problematic with how much snow the roof is shedding. A four foot deep slab just turned the back door and porch into an igloo and is threatening to push over the barricade. And it's still snowing at because we're getting all the epic weather this winter evidently.

We can't take the snow blower attached to the bobcat back there until the roof fully unloads. It's too risky. The bobcat could be buried and crushed under a mountain of snow.

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
224 followers · 1632 posts · Server

@sarae some of the out buildings at are disappearing under the snow. This is an insane storm. It's been a long time since the and area has seen this much all at once.

And it's still snowing!

#forkedmeadow #california #dinkeycreek #ShaverLake #epicdump #snowmageddon #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
224 followers · 1625 posts · Server

This is just an absolute massive snow dump and boggles the mind. That little conifer that @sarae was watching is now very much under the snow. and the and area are absolutely getting hammered. The high must be completely burried. It will be interesting to see the snow survey results in a few days.

#forkedmeadow #california #dinkeycreek #ShaverLake #sierra #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
224 followers · 1619 posts · Server

This is an absolutely epic snow storm. We haven't had such a producive storm since at least Thanksgiving 2019 and probably earlier than that.

#sierra #cawx #forkedmeadow #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
223 followers · 1615 posts · Server

Another two feet of snow fell at overnight. It's still heavily snowing and has never slacked off. Later this morning the snow is supposed to end but I'm guessing we'll get another foot or two before then. The current temp and overnight low is 27f. Highway 168 is closed so there's no way in or out of the mountains. My dad will blow the driveway once it's light enough and then he'll see how bad the county road is.

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
219 followers · 1608 posts · Server

It's now at right now. We're in the bullseye with no end in sight. Current temp is 27f and falling. We are in the 8-10 foot range for new snow in this storm and there will be another foot or three before it takes a break tomorrow.

#snowpocalypse #forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
218 followers · 1601 posts · Server

Still snowing very hard at with no end in sight tonight. I'm not even sure how much snow has come down at this point.

#forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas VB · @douglasvb
216 followers · 1593 posts · Server

My dad is out with the and attachment clearing the driveway. Still near conditions at with very heavy snow that is now blowing and drifting.

#bobcat #skidsteer #snowblower #blizzard #forkedmeadow #california #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago