Lastodon - Mastodon Minus Malware

> Fediverse server with anti-features removed + blocks bad servers CloudFlare, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and others. It removes three recently added anti-features, ie. there's NO Explore Timeline, the display of Like Counts without opening toot is removed, and we make JS optional again.

#lastodon #forkmastodon #mastodon #mastodonminusmalware #cageMafia #stopcagemafia

Last updated 1 year ago

@adrienne @whatanerd
We have long been critics of a number of choices the devs make.

For years now they have not enforced the AGPLv3 license against CloudFlare'd , which means that the license means very little to them, or they are receiving kickbacks from very dark forces that a pushing the "".

We don't use the , MSGitHub. What is the latest bad progress.

#mastodon #heladogedotcom #shitcoin #internetCancer #forkmastodon #makejsoptional

Last updated 1 year ago

Thank also Mastodon's (ahem — "Explore") timeline, the display of and boost counts on all toots, and the new "Verified" feature.

BTW, does that timeline *ever* get replaced by the Local timeline?

#topstories #likecounts #mastodonbug #forkmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Maybe this is unrealistic but being AGPLv3, anyone with comparable skills can conceivably fork Mastodon.

If we remember correctly, we have used the hashtag , in response to some of the anti-features we saw coming from MastodonDevs in the past. We would be tempted to say the same in response to .

@blaine @Gargron @losttourist

#forkmastodon #replytoots

Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon now betrays ideals by defaulting to an "" timeline that features popular (read: possibly gamed) toots.

Expect an influx of personas gaming the , eg. corporates setup say 500 accounts in a that post things friendly to their interests, using the other 499 accounts on rotation to Boost and Like the toot so it seems popular.

We saw this coming when started showing Like totals without opening the toot.

We suggest to asap!

#fediverse #explore #PopularityModel #botfarm #mastodon #forkmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago