Lastodon - Mastodon Minus Malware
> Fediverse server with anti-features removed + blocks bad servers CloudFlare, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and others. It removes three recently added anti-features, ie. there's NO Explore Timeline, the display of Like Counts without opening toot is removed, and we make JS optional again.
#lastodon #forkMastodon #mastodon #mastodonMinusMalware #cagemafia #stopCageMafia
#lastodon #forkmastodon #mastodon #mastodonminusmalware #cageMafia #stopcagemafia
@adrienne @whatanerd
We have long been critics of a number of choices the #Mastodon devs make.
For years now they have not enforced the AGPLv3 license against CloudFlare'd #heladogeDotCom, which means that the license means very little to them, or they are receiving kickbacks from very dark forces that a pushing the "#shitCoin".
We don't use the #internetCancer, MSGitHub. What is the latest bad progress.
#mastodon #heladogedotcom #shitcoin #internetCancer #forkmastodon #makejsoptional
Thank also Mastodon's #TopStories (ahem — "Explore") timeline, the display of #likeCounts and boost counts on all toots, and the new "Verified" feature.
BTW, does that timeline *ever* get replaced by the Local timeline?
#topstories #likecounts #mastodonbug #forkmastodon
Maybe this is unrealistic but being AGPLv3, anyone with comparable skills can conceivably fork Mastodon.
If we remember correctly, we have used the hashtag #ForkMastodon, in response to some of the anti-features we saw coming from MastodonDevs in the past. We would be tempted to say the same in response to #replyToots.
Mastodon now betrays #Fediverse ideals by defaulting to an "#Explore" timeline that features popular (read: possibly gamed) toots.
Expect an influx of personas gaming the #PopularityModel, eg. corporates setup say 500 accounts in a #botFarm that post things friendly to their interests, using the other 499 accounts on rotation to Boost and Like the toot so it seems popular.
We saw this coming when #Mastodon started showing Like totals without opening the toot.
We suggest to #ForkMastodon asap!
#fediverse #explore #PopularityModel #botfarm #mastodon #forkmastodon