#LogicalGraphs • 3
• https://oeis.org/w/index.php?title=Logical_Graphs&stable=0&redirect=no
We begin on a low but expansive plateau of #FormalSystems #Peirce mapped out in his system of #AlphaGraphs \((\alpha),\) a platform so abstract in its mathematical forms as to support at least two interpretations for use in the conduct of logical reasoning. Along the way, we incorporate the later contributions of George #SpencerBrown, who revived and augmented Peirce's system in his book #LawsOfForm.
#ProofTheory #modeltheory #graphtheory #logic #lawsofform #spencerbrown #alphagraphs #Peirce #formalsystems #LogicalGraphs
#LogicalGraphs • 2
• https://oeis.org/w/index.php?title=Logical_Graphs&stable=0&redirect=no
In the century since #Peirce initiated this line of development, a variety of #FormalSystems have branched out from what is abstractly the same formal base of graph-theoretic structures. This article examines the common basis of those formal systems from a bird's eye view, focusing on those aspects of form shared by the entire family of algebras, calculi, or languages, however they happen to be viewed in a given application.
#graphtheory #logic #formalsystems #Peirce #LogicalGraphs
Some things that fascinate me:
#cognition #epistemology #NaturalLanguage #PhenomenalConsciousness #perception #ArtificialGeneralIntelligence #reasoning #MachineLearning #logic #FormalSystems #symbols #ScientificMethod #SocialOrganization #generalization #mathematics #meaning #ValueTheory #ArtificialLife #GeneticProgramming #ReinforcementLearning #autism #evolution #economics #MonetaryPolicy #VotingMethods #DistributedSystems
#cognition #epistemology #naturallanguage #phenomenalconsciousness #perception #artificialgeneralintelligence #reasoning #machinelearning #logic #formalsystems #symbols #scientificmethod #socialorganization #generalization #mathematics #meaning #valuetheory #ArtificialLife #geneticprogramming #reinforcementlearning #autism #evolution #economics #monetarypolicy #votingmethods #distributedsystems