#formative : giving form
- French: formatif
- German: prägend
- Italian: formativo
- Portuguese: formativo
- Spanish: formativo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
Not sure how I feel about this.
"There is an invisible garment woven around us from our earliest years; it is made of the way we eat, the way we walk, the way we greet people." — Jean Giraudoux — — — #JeanGiraudoux #quote #quotes #formative #life #living #youth #childhood #character #habits
#jeangiraudoux #quote #quotes #formative #life #living #youth #childhood #character #habits
#formative : giving form
- French: formatif
- German: prägend
- Italian: formativo
- Portuguese: formativo
- Spanish: formativo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FMkVMb_1cT4 quand on repense la façon de produire des #retroactions #feedbacks avec le #numérique #elaastic #evaluation #formative #cnesco
#retroactions #Feedbacks #numerique #elaastic #evaluation #formative #cnesco
#Introduction Some backstory. Child of the late '60s/'70's and all that entails. #Dysfunctional #Family #Formative #Books Anything by Ken Kesey. Heinlein et al. #Politics, always left. #Him #Socialist, #LSE #SocialAnthropologist #European #Internationalist #Weslyan #Methodist. #Rootless #Tramp #Traveller #Love #NotHate #Cook #Gardener #MetaPhysics #Jungian #Holistic #Android #ToriesOut #AGC #Photographer #Radio3 "More inevitably will follow"
#Radio3 #photographer #agc #toriesout #Android #holistic #jungian #metaphysics #gardener #cook #nothate #love #traveller #tramp #rootless #Methodist #weslyan #internationalist #european #socialanthropologist #lse #socialist #him #politics #books #formative #family #dysfunctional #introduction
1. #Deftones
2. #Metallica
3. #TowerofPower
4. #KillswitchEngage
5. #ADayToRemember
6. #Incubus
7. #JimiHendrix
Each of these #Bands or #Artists had an influence on me growing up through today. There are many more I take #inspiration from, but these are #Formative in how I listen and play #music today.
#7bandstoknowme #deftones #metallica #towerofpower #killswitchengage #adaytoremember #incubus #jimihendrix #bands #artists #inspiration #formative #music