Estrategia del Contenido · @edelcontenido
8 followers · 38 posts · Server
Linguistics - Eurac Research · @EuracLing
17 followers · 114 posts · Server

RT @costamrv
📢We are delighted to announce that Liana Ermakova is one of the keynote speakers at @MDTT2023 conference - TODAY. , and systems

#management #formats #representation #Design #terminology #Digital #multilingual

Last updated 2 years ago

jonathan w. y. gray 🐼 · @jwyg
2390 followers · 188 posts · Server
꧁Alcea꧂ · @alcea
20 followers · 991 posts · Server

Introduction: I am new. I am from . I have 8 years of experience writing . I also write my own script. I have also written , one press release, and I would love to write in other . I don't know what I am best at writing. I am looking for any writing .

#fedigethired #jobs #topics #formats #blogs #podcast #scripts #commercial #radio #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

CaClubIndia · @SaraMathur
0 followers · 43 posts · Server

Write a Letter to the Editor About Rising Prices of Petrol and Diesel

Letter to the editor about the increase in diesel and Petrol prices. Write a letter to the editor sharing your views on rising fuel prices Daily expressing.

#formats #prices #writealetter #club4ca #letter

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Wyrm · @PeterWyrm
-1 followers · 7891 posts · Server

@stragu @TerribleMaps I did a very basic search on the web and didn’t find any examples, but found this fascinating article about scientists changing the names of some genes so that Microsoft Excel didn’t keep assuming they were dates! 😜

#genes #formats #microsoft #spreadsheets

Last updated 2 years ago

Ewan · @EwanCroft
56 followers · 486 posts · Server
OddOpinions5 · @failedLyndonLaRouchite
40 followers · 975 posts · Server

I understand that in and are complex
but you would think help would actually help

#Microsoft #formats #date #time #excel

Last updated 2 years ago

Cushee_Foofee · @Cushee_Foofee
9 followers · 74 posts · Server

Decided to look into finding to , specifically , and found out about . Sadly libgen's original website was taken down, so you have to find mirrors for it. Lots of books to to , so that's cool.

Unsure of the of the previous website, but this next website I can confidently

is a website that uses old books where their has ! Therefore this website is perfectly legal all the way!

Of course the is , so you can instead go to

as they simply take gutenberg's books, and them to something a little more .

:comfyreading: 🤓 :bigbrain:

Anyone have good recommendations for philosophy or websites?

#readable #formats #ugly #ui #expired #copyright #us #gutenberg #link #legality #learn #download #libgen #philosophy #books #read #websites

Last updated 2 years ago

Pablojordi · @Pablojordi
3 followers · 25 posts · Server

Dimarts passat vàrem presentar "La literatura NO és cap joc!" al pitch de programes culturals ICEC-TV3. Una proposta gamberra que vol apropar els mons del videojoc i la literatura amb un format de Let's Play!

No sé si serem seleccionats 🤞 , però ha estat divertit participar-hi!

A l'imatge Joan Fuster à la voxel.

#culturacatalana #videojocs #literatura #televisio #formats #pikkukala #lletraferits #gamedev

Last updated 2 years ago

@stux I think there used to be a similar uproar against formats like and at some point as well but I believe those are nowadays not as disliked.
I mean , are great and all, but there are other great as well for and 😸

#mkv #webm #mp4 #mp3 #formats #audio #video

Last updated 2 years ago

Mossegalapoma Podcast · @mossegalapoma
59 followers · 11 posts · Server

Especial sobre Radioafició amb David Acacio (Part 3) - Demo formats digitals – Minuts Mosseguis 57
Tercera entrega dels Minuts Mosseguis especials dedicats al món de la radioafició en companyia de l'amic David Acacio.

En aquesta entrega fem una demostració de funcionament i contactes en modalitat digital amb...
digitals Defined Radio

#formats #icom #radioaficio #sdr #software

Last updated 2 years ago

Manni_P :mastolove: · @Lost_Paradise
66 followers · 639 posts · Server

In meinem wunderbaren und wunderschönen Universum gibt es wunderschöne Seelen. Sie sind von einer solchen Leuchtkraft und so farbenfroh, dass ich jedesmal wieder staune. Ein solches Wesen ist der Tilo Jung :mastolove:
ist ein deutscher und . Er ist und des - & .
More at Wikipedia (DE)

Ich liebe ihn und singe immer ganz laut mit: --->

#blunt #james #naiv #formats #interview #moderator #grunder #podcaster #journalist #jung #Tilo

Last updated 2 years ago

Paolo Melchiorre · @paulox
636 followers · 548 posts · Server

I just updated my article "Resize a video with FFmpeg for Mastodon" with new parameters for to convert a to a using the for and the codec for which are all , and well-supported .

This way you can easily convert very heavy videos before uploading them to while remaining within the strict limits.

#ffmpeg #video #webm #container #vp9 #codec #opus #audio #open #royaltyfree #formats #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2083 followers · 14674 posts · Server

@johnwehrle Media and message tend to adapt to one another.

A book was roughly the length of a scroll, yes, but scrolls were chosen in part as they were suitable to a reasonable-length work.

Other examples which come to mind:

  • Broadcast media is strongly tied to the hour, or reasonably even divisions or multiples of it, modulo advertising and/or sponsorship slots. Stream/playback media not locked rigidly into such constraints expand and contract far more flexibly: film and podcasts particularly come to mind, though there's some clustering around a few typical lengths: 60-second snips, 5--10 minute shorts, 20--30 minute brief lectures, 60 and 120 minutes for longer exposition. I find that broadcast-intended works tend to suffer on this basis (though there are many podcasts which might benefit from a time budget and editing as well). Listening to a couple of episodes of Rachel Maddow's new podcast, I'm struck by how often she repeats points, which seems more common and suited to broadcast, but which grates in podcast format.

  • Music was long tied to recording medium capacities, growing from wax cylinders and acetate 78s (a few minutes each), to LPs and singles (about 24 minutes and 3 minutes per side, respectively. The capacity of the compact disk was selected to be able to hold all of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

  • DVDs and Blu-Ray define not only the length of video media, but the resolution and screen size (though that's also driven by display devices. Smartphone proliferation is changing the orientation of video from landscape to portrait.

  • Still and motion video cameras similarly define, drive, and occasionally adapt to specific formats and resolutions: 16mm, 35mm, 70mm, iMax, etc. Digital CCDs probably have similar effects. Early tape-based video has capacity, resolution, and artifacting (e.g., ghosting and streaking especially of bright lights) which were characteristic, sometimes intrusive, sometimes exploited. Film grain has spawned religions and holy wars.

  • Publishing strongly prefers books of a set size, typically about 125,000 words, or about 250 pages. Shorter works (in English, and/or specifically for American markets) tend to get padded. (This was a notorious problem for many poorer-quality, grossly overstuffed technical books in the 1990s / early 2000s.) And longer books are either tremendously cut or split into multiple volumes, as bindings for works > 250 pages or so tend to get iffy.

  • Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle is actually comprised of eight books, "lumped together into three volumes because it is more convenient from a publishing standpoint":

And as I've mentioned a few times, what I'm realising having a 13.3" e-ink tablet, the great failing of online long-form document formats is far less the formats, including the much begrudged, even by , PDF, than displays. At roughly an A4 / US-Letter size, *print formats are strongly preferable to "online native" such as HTML and even ePub. (Though some documents, including Bill's UpLib article which I've found and am busily deconstructing, use fonts small enough to be painful and/or tedious. Another related work I've found by a German author uses a font *weight that is all but illegible on the device, which is frustrating.)

A large-screen Retina-display iMac is similarly a huge step forward in document viewing as compared with 96 dpi screens. The landscape display will show two-up (and occasionally even more simultaneous pages) of documents in very high clarity, and its colour capabilities are better adapted to some historical documents in scanned format.


#youngerme #documents #media #formandfunction #formats #standards #ebooks #film #music

Last updated 2 years ago

So, as the fediverse takes off, and it takes off in places outside the US more than inside, I'm reminded that while I love, love, love the use of metric, the Year/Month/Date format, I absolutely hate how . and , are swapped in international format and it looks hella weird to see 1,000.00 written as 1.000,00.

#time #date #numbers #formats #international

Last updated 2 years ago

Neelesh Salian · @neelesh_salian
126 followers · 83 posts · Server

Someone shared this on Linkedin. for type conversion between Json to other language objects.

I've used this to go from the JSON definition to create API objects shared between services.

You can play around with the specifics of the languages: and have Makefile or task build out generated code.

#java #type #formats #data

Last updated 2 years ago

jonathan w. y. gray 🐼 · @jwyg
1425 followers · 112 posts · Server

an ... 📝

my work explores the role of digital data, methods and infrastructures in the composition of collective life.

i'm currently focusing on...
- 📘 a book on public data practices
- 🌳 arts-based digital methods for exploring environmental issues
- 🐌 a special issue on critical technical practices in digital research
- 🗃 documenting online mobilisations of east and southeast asian communities in the uk

i'm senior lecturer in critical infrastructure studies at the department of digital humanities, king's college london; cofounder of; and research associate at +

more at:

tag heap:

#zines #sts #speculativefiction #soundscapes #softwarestudies #socialtheory #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #platformstudies #philosophy #participatorydesign #newmediastudies #newmediaart #lowtech #london #issuemapping #internetstudies #infrastructurestudies #freesoftware #formats #forests #FeministSTS #feminism #ecology #digitalhumanities #digitalculture #digitalcommons #decolonisation #datastudies #datapractices #criticaltheory #criticaltechnicalpractice #criticaldatastudies #compost #commons #climatechange #art #archiving #AoIR #antiracism #algorithmstudies #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Ténno Seremél · @tennoseremel
331 followers · 13963 posts · Server

WebP and AVIF support in Mastodon when? I need my covers and screenshots smaller :blobcatbox:

#lang_en #mastodon #random #webp #avif #formats

Last updated 2 years ago