Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
671 followers · 1093 posts · Server

If you are warm, at home, have all your gifts wrapped, and have never worried about being made suddenly , please give what you can to my friend. Jonmeshia is a of three young children. One of the children is and has had multiple heart surgeries.

She needs funds to deal with the costs of heating, moving expenses to move in January, and furniture (she's been living in an unfurnished apartment for a year).

#homeless #formerlyIncarcerated #disabled #blackmother #medicallyComplex #gofubdme #gfm

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
517 followers · 978 posts · Server

I hosted a webinar on Hacking Executive Function for Neurodivergent Burnouts.

I have now uploaded a captioned recording of the session to PeerTube and YouTube.

The event was free but there was an optional fundraiser for my friend, who is a Black formerly incarcerated single mother of 3. If you enjoy this recording please contribute. She has to move next month and needs support with moving expenses.

Hashtag Soup

#neurodivergent #executiveFunction #executivelyfucked #efthis #metacogsquad #webinar #fundraiser #gfm #formerlyIncarcerated #peertube

Last updated 2 years ago

Giant · @giantrectangle
412 followers · 92 posts · Server

Hi all,

Since I just switched instances, here’s my :

I’m a roughly 50-yr old white guy living in the PNW of the US. I’ve found my niche in construction for nearly 4 decades, mostly as a carpenter, most recently as a (construction’s rough for folks who are not cis/het white dudes, and I’ve always tried to make it better. I haven’t succeeded so far. It still sucks. Sorry guys). Of my family and friends, I’m one of very few cis/het folks. I live with my GF, our 3 , and 3 of 4 teen offspring. I’m an , and I’m not generally a joiner, but I joined a while ago because of their work and . The 7 tenants are pretty dope as well.

I was a red-diaper baby; my parents were , , , . They’re literally rad. We were poor. I’ve experienced years of , I’ve struggled with , and I’m . I’ve been clean for a long time. Oh, and I can personally verify . Facts

I’ve been thinking a lot, lately and always, about inequalities. There’re the ones I’ve known about and have struggled with my whole life: I am and have always been , , , , , for rights, for , for , and we are absolutely in a . But there’s a new one (to me) lately: It’s really gross that capitalists are shifting the pandemic burden of onto workers and poor people through inaction, misinformation, disinformation, and direct action. I find it obvious that the ethical thing to do is to protect those who are vulnerable, and who I won’t be able to identify and may never see, by avoiding infection myself, and pushing for safe spaces with clean air. Vaccines are great, but they’re not enough. . . Make it an N95 or better. This is not hard, and becomes more effective as more of us do it. So do it.

I’ve shared more and been more open since moving to mastodon a couple weeks ago than I ever have on SM. IDK, it just seems more welcoming here. Historically, I don’t post much. That seems to be changing. We shall see.

Anyways, I'm excited to be joining this community, and I'm looking forward to getting to know some folks over here!


#Introduction #union #dataanalyst #CatOverlords #atheist #tst #AgainstForcedBirth #AgainstHate #communist #pagan #hippy #radical #homelessness #addiction #formerlyIncarcerated #acab #antifascist #AntiRacist #anticapitalist #feminist #prochoice #lgbtq #reparations #landback #climateemergency #covid #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
314 followers · 577 posts · Server

On Wednesday, November 30th, at 7pm EST, I will be hosting an online for burnouts on , , and Hacking yourself to Get Shit Done. Free and Public with optional fundraiser.

The fundraiser is for my friend who is a mother on and who has been living in an apartment with no furniture for 9 months and needs help with transportation to and from hospital for her infant. Also it's for Christmas money because toys for tots is trash.

I am an openly autistic and disabled academic, I study executive function, metacognition, technology, and Autistic Technocultures. I am good at teaching you how to love yourself in a way that makes your work love you back.

This is not a girl boss productivity capitalist bootlicking sesh. This is about how your brain works and how it's not "borked"

#webinar #neurodivergentAcademic #executiveFunction #metacognition #formerlyIncarcerated #disabledWhileBlack #section8 #FoodStamps #medicallyComplex

Last updated 2 years ago