#Introduction, take 2. I’m new to Mastodon, and a #FormerTwitterUser. I’ve missed connecting with my twitter friends, & as a news/political junkie, I’m going through mild twitter withdrawal. So, I’m very happy to have Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter. It’s familiar in some ways, but strange & news in others. I must be patient with myself as I learn to navigate this new & different platform. #twittermigration
#introduction #formertwitteruser #twittermigration
Hi, I might try #introduction to complete my collection of Hashtags: #FeminstsUnite #feminismus #queer #mops #pug #puglife #pray #Betenwirgemeinsam #beten #twitter #formertwitteruser #ehemalig #auf #tweets #german #bipolar #bipolardisorder
#introduction #FeminstsUnite #feminismus #queer #Mops #pug #puglife #pray #Betenwirgemeinsam #beten #twitter #formertwitteruser #ehemalig #auf #tweets #german #bipolar #bipolardisorder