Écrasement mortel d’un EC725 Caracal au Brésil. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/ecrasement-mortel-dun-ec725-caracal-au-bresil — #accident #caracal #cordage #crash #ec725 #écrasement #eurocopter #formosa #helibras #hélicoptère #marinhadobrasil
#accident #caracal #cordage #crash #ec725 #ecrasement #eurocopter #formosa #helibras #helicoptere #marinhadobrasil
I am curious about the extent to which the Dutch colonization of Taiwan in the 17th century facilitated language contact and exchange, and how it influenced the presence of Dutch loanwords (or even syntactic similarities, and language structures) in contemporary regional Sinitic languages. Are there #Taiwanese people / folks living in #Taiwan here who know some Dutch loanwords in their language(s)?
#TootSEA #linguistics #formosa #loanwords #chinese #colonization
#Taiwanese #taiwan #tootsea #linguistics #formosa #loanwords #chinese #colonization
Elecciones Argentina 2023: cierre de listas, candidatos, alianzas, comicios provinciales y toda la información, minuto a minuto | Página12
A horas del cierre de listas, Unión por la Patria se definió por Sergio Massa-Agustín Rossi, mientras Juntos por el Cambio, La Libertad Avanza y todos los frentes electorales avanzan con el armado de las listas. En #Córdoba y #Formosa se vota este domingo.
#elecciones2023 #elecciones #argentina #eleccionesArgentina #unionporlapatria #JuntosPorElCambio #LibertadAvanza #FrenteDeIzquierda
#frentedeizquierda #libertadavanza #JuntosPorElCambio #unionporlapatria #eleccionesargentina #argentina #elecciones #elecciones2023 #formosa #cordoba
這是我最近提交給競賽的設計。 提案是設計一面代表台灣的旗幟。
Here is a design I recently submitted to a competition. The proposal was to design a flag representing Taiwan.
Details (in Chinese and English):
#flag #taiwan #formosa #design #art #vexillology
#taiwanflag #proposal #starofthesea #stellamaris #polaris #navigation #plum #sea-green #white #un #nationhood #democracy #humanrights #ideals #community #asia #asia-pacific #indo-pacific
#flag #taiwan #formosa #design #art #vexillology #taiwanflag #proposal #starofthesea #stellamaris #polaris #navigation #plum #sea #white #un #nationhood #democracy #humanrights #ideals #community #asia #indo
這是我最近提交給競賽的設計。 提案是設計一面代表台灣的旗幟。
Here is a design I recently submitted to a competition. The proposal was to design a flag representing Taiwan.
Details (in Chinese and English):
#flag #taiwan #formosa #design #art #vexillology
#taiwanflag #proposal #starofthesea #stellamaris #plum #sea-green #white #un #nationhood #democracy #humanrights #ideals #community #asia #asia-pacific #indo-pacific
#flag #taiwan #formosa #design #art #vexillology #taiwanflag #proposal #starofthesea #stellamaris #plum #sea #white #un #nationhood #democracy #humanrights #ideals #community #asia #indo
Formosa, Argentina: Pomodoro pizzas y pastas | Rating: 4.7 #pizza #formosa https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=-26.1722305%2C-58.1939052&query_place_id=ChIJw3DU3mCvXJQR03k1z6904YU
In our Taiwan episode, we talked about the short-lived Republic of Formosa that opposed the introduction of Japanese rule in 1895.
We didn’t mention that our favourite aspect of the Republic was its flag. Check it out.
Also, don’t forget to listen to the podcast
links: https://linktr.ee/hhepodcast
Podcast recommendation:
How Sharon Lavigne and the people of St. James’ Parish successfully rose against a new, polluting plastics plant in Louisiana’s #Cancer Alley
- by Lemonada 🍋
#cancer #formosa #plasticpollution #environmentaljustice
On the same tangent: The influence of #Japan can often be seen in #Taiwanese architecture, too. Many government buildings from the era of Japanese rule (1895–1945) face the sunrise. Examples include the Presidential Office Building and the main library at National Taiwan University.
#japan #taiwanese #taiwan #formosa #ntu #asiapacific #history
Luchas Socioambientales #ahora [005]
Por Andrés López Raml | 14/12/22
Agua !! Agua !! Hay población que no tiene nada de agua!! Estamos hablando de zonas con más de 40 grados Celcius de temperatura. Sobran los incendios, acá, en Argentina ... como que se van acostumbrando, que se prenda todo fuego ...
#Agua #Formosa #Wichi #Chaco #Salta #Tartagal
#Weenhayek #Atlanticazo
#ahora #ardetierradelfuego #DestruirBosquesEsUnCrimen #argentina #agua #formosa #wichi #chaco #salta #tartagal #weenhayek #Atlanticazo #fueralaspetrolerasdelmar
Formosa: Sergio Onofre Torres, joven wichí, desaparición seguida de muerte
Por Asociación de Abogados/as de Derecho Indigena | 22/11/22
Exigimos una profunda investigación independiente para esclarecer la muerte de Onofre Torres. Manifestamos nuestro acompañamiento a la familia y a la comunidad en este doloroso momento y exigimos de manera inmediata a la Jueza y al Fiscal de la causa una investigación profunda e independiente que...
Keelung Heping Island, Formosa 1870-1890.
This is near the spot I often swim.
#formosa #taiwan #TaiwanIsaCountry #history
RT @Red__Accion@twitter.com
#Ahora #Formosa
Realizan una marcha para exigir justicia por el asesinato de un joven wichi
Tras la desaparición forzada seguida de muerte de Sergio Onofre Torres quién vivía en Barrio Belgrano, uno de los barrios indígenas de la localidad formoseña de Ingeniero Juárez, (sigue)
Not like I don't already have enough tea gear but this #redblossom competition tea set looks *perfect* for getting my partner to make me tea in the afternoons and/or "I don't want to spill a bunch of hot water everywhere I just want some good tea."
Also got a #formosa #assam because somehow I don't have any Standard Black Tea and I want it this time of year.
Hagan a este hombre presidente.
RT @insfran_gildo@twitter.com
Estudios recientes han permitido confirmar la presencia de litio en las áreas hidrocarburíferas del oeste formoseño. Este valioso recurso se encuentra en las aguas salinas de profundidad de yacimientos petrolíferos de #Formosa,...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/insfran_gildo/status/1571887163620343820
> The Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Plant has a 1.2 meter diameter wastewater pipe extending 1.3 kilometers out to sea. A diver died shortly after inspecting the facilities, and other divers having contact with wastewater at the #Formosa #HaTinh Steel plant were hospitalized suffering dizziness, vomiting, chest tightness, and other symptoms. Doctors at the hospital refused to release information about their diagnosis.
Mercedesz Henger, sirena formosa in barca: che curve vertiginose! #mercedesz #henger #sirena #formosa #barca #curve #vertiginose #29luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG90YWxzcG9ydC5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzI4L21lcmNlZGVzei1oZW5nZXItc2lyZW5hLWZvcm1vc2EtY3VydmUtdmVydGlnaW5vc2Uv
#29luglio #vertiginose #curve #Barca #formosa #sirena #henger #mercedesz