#ThereAreDays when #IMiss #MyOldJag...
I have the #PrideOrange #WarMachine... #Now... #ForNow...
#MyLittleBigBuddy likes #IT a #Lot...! #VroomVRoom...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄 🦹🎠☕
#therearedays #imiss #myoldjag #prideorange #warmachine #now #fornow #mylittlebigbuddy #it #lot #vroomvroom
Ohhh bless you, delicious pumpkin coffee. #functional #technically #fornow
#functional #technically #fornow
Ohhh bless you, delicious pumpkin coffee. #functional #technically #fornow
#functional #technically #fornow
Ohhh bless you, delicious pumpkin coffee. #functional #technically #fornow
#functional #technically #fornow
Ohhh bless you, delicious pumpkin coffee. #functional #technically #fornow
#functional #technically #fornow
@MMGMaggie It's kinda tough. Try just their name, or their first or last name with a @ in front of it. If they are/were on twtter than some ppl are putting their mastodon address in their twitter bio. This is just starting, so not as many ppl are going to be. For now. #fornow #search #twitterexodus
#fornow #search #twitterexodus