Undermining #CommunitySolar: #ForProfit #Monopolies waiting for huge #payday from their #CitizensUnited purchased #CaCPUC to take away #Resilience from the #ParadiseBurned #PSPS.
#communitysolar #forprofit #monopolies #payday #citizensunited #cacpuc #resilience #paradiseburned #psps #saverooftopsolar
Also it's an asshole move against honest students - espechally in #ForProfit #education systems like the #USA!
''Despite their high risk, only 1 in 4 nursing home res. w/COVID-19 had been treated w/evidence-based antiviral treatments by end of '22. Overall treat. rates tracked closely w/recent govt est. Over 40% of nursing homes reported never administering any oral antiviral or mAb treat. in 19-mos study window. Lower treat. rates in #forprofit facilities & those w/higher shares of #Medicaid and non-White residents suggest that structural barriers may be contributing to underuse & disparities.''
🥥 But Tony, if we educate all kids, some of them will start thinking critically.
Pretty soon some of them will realize just how useless and corrupt 90 percent of our politicians are, how #war is a #ForProfit enterprise, and how ever-increasing economic growth is a #cancer on the planet. 🥥
@shades Most Americans support the #ForProfit approach (to everything). The apotheosis of the corporation is taught from daycare onwards: they are raised to believe hand-on-heart that running your own company is the pinnacle of societal achievement and that making money at the expense of the gullible is a desirable objective. Many only realise how deeply brainwashed they were when they venture outside US borders and see real life. It will take generations to purge the penetration of wealthism.
by #KatrinaVandenHeuvel in #TheNation:
"Half of all Americans now die in hospice care—and a majority of them are now being treated by for-profit services. “Profit over people” is an unappealing MO for any company, but it is an especially ugly approach to operating a hospice, where the people in question are, by definition, some of society’s most vulnerable. "
#hospice #ForProfit #healthcare #medicare #illness #privatization
#katrinavandenheuvel #thenation #hospice #forprofit #healthcare #medicare #illness #privatization
> not really possible to consume Mastodon as a whole.
Yeah, probably not since after consuming all instances we just create new ones.
#Mastodon is #OpenSource and anyone can use it #ForProfit and make their own companies, create new instances and start letting in people for free or charging them(their choice, nobody really cares as long as there is interest) and even if we say meta would own it and defederate their instances...a new #fediverse would be born.
#Fediverse #forprofit #OpenSource #Mastodon
#Mindustry is a great example of a game that can #simultaneously be #OpenSource and also be sold #ForProfit on the #SteamStore!
Was it $10 last time I checked on the steam store?
No, it was €9.99.
But on #FlatHub it is free and #SourceCode is on #GitHub GPL-3.0 license
#GitHub #sourcecode #flathub #steamstore #forprofit #OpenSource #simultaneously #mindustry
It's almost as if our #ForProfit, #SufferingByDesign "health care" system is to blame?!
More evidence that some #publishers set #APCs based on #prestige & what they think the market will bear, not production #costs.
"#Elsevier told editors that fees were based on a journal’s reputation —specifically, their #ImpactFactor. As the editors grew the journal’s prestige, Elsevier increased the publication fee by about 15%…Keilholz…concluded that the incentives for #ForProfit publishers were not aligned with 'what we want for science.' "
#NeuroImage #forprofit #impactfactor #elsevier #costs #prestige #APCs #publishers
It's almost like #ForProfit education doesn't work. #BayStateCollege
Because education isn't a business and the only reason to treat it like a business is to steal money from students and parents.
#UCP’s ‘#Alberta #Surgical Initiative’ Is an Expensive Flop: Report | The Tyee https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/05/16/UCP-Alberta-Surgical-Initiative-Expensive-Flop/ “There is a limited pool of specialized #healthcare professionals,” Longhurst explained. “#Outsourcing surgeries leads to competition between #public and #forprofit sectors for the same professionals.”
#ucp #alberta #surgical #healthcare #outsourcing #Public #forprofit
My latest at #PsychologyToday: how online platforms' impact on unity, division, and well-being may depend on their
- goals (e.g., #forProfit vs. #nonprofit)
- #UX design (e.g., open vs. closed)
- (de)centralization and competition
- priorities (stockholders vs. all stakeholders)
#psychologytoday #forprofit #nonprofit #ux #psychology #psychiatry #business #tech #ethics #web3
@bethlinas it'll do what it always has done:
#Paywall #healthcare harder and double-down on #ForProfit-based #SocialDarwinism...
After all, there weren't riots nor actualy uprisings when vital healthcare and social safety nets got cut in the past or recently, so why would those responsible do anything else but do whatever "makes the ine go up"...
#SocialDarwinism #forprofit #Healthcare #paywall
I #deletefacebook and left #Twitter. I wish more people would stop “supporting” these #forprofit social media platforms simply by staying and keeping their accounts active. Why contributing content to enrich these greedy individuals?!?
#deletefacebook #Twitter #forprofit
@Natanox that's becausr unlime in the civilized world, #Healthcare isn't a #HumanRight, but a #ForProfit - traded #Commodity in the #USA.
#USA #commodity #forprofit #humanright #Healthcare
@jswright61 Thanks Scott! That is something I need to speak with a #lawyer about. I'm not sure how/if that is possible. Though I did recently discover that #OpenAI started as a #nonprofit and converted to #forprofit which kind of blows my mind!
#lawyer #openai #nonprofit #forprofit
Again, @fordnation confuses "wasting money" with "innovation."
With staff shortages representing the biggest source of wait times in #healthcare, #nurses are now being offered *double* the pay of a publicly-funded shift to work in #ForProfit surgeries. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2023/03/06/this-hospitals-deal-with-a-corporation-of-surgeons-has-ontarios-health-minister-facing-questions.html
#healthcare #nurses #forprofit
kubikpixel@chaos.social - #IToldYouSo, never trust a #capitalist!
›OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be – #Corporate, #ClosedSource, and #ForProfit:
#OpenAI is today unrecognizable, with multi-billion-dollar deals and corporate partnerships. Will it seek to own its shiny #AI future?‹
Wenn von Kapitalgebern Einfluss auf OpenAI genommen wird ist es auch keine KI mehr sondern ein #SurveillanceCapitalism Tool mehr im Sortiment.
#surveillancecapitalism #ai #openai #forprofit #closedsource #corporate #capitalist #itoldyouso
eicker.news #technews »#OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be: #Corporate, #ClosedSource, #ForProfit. OpenAI is today unrecognizable, with #multibilliondollardeals and #corporatepartnerships. Will it seek to own its shiny AI future?« https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3naz/openai-is-now-everything-it-promised-not-to-be-corporate-closed-source-and-for-profit
#technews #openai #corporate #closedsource #forprofit #multibilliondollardeals #corporatepartnerships