Less???? Shhhhh otherwise they may read this and send additional charges.
Still, €800 is a mighty fine night out.... or a working clutch (on an automatic 🤭)
I am personally offended by this retconning of history and gaslighting of our youth.
#forshame #getoffmylawn #webdevelopment
I should note that there are basically zero tests in this repo. Certainly no system or integration tests. Installing on my phone has always been the qualification strategy. #ForShame
How dare I disrupt his tiny majesty's comfy chest pillow to get up and make some breakfast. He is most displeased. 😏
#forshame #princebaz #catsass #CatsOfMastodon
It's terrible and a disgrace that #CorporateJournalists like @drewharwell, @donieosullivan, and the other journalists who are protected by corporations refuse to a.) Speak out in defense of @oneunderscore__ and b.) Speak out in defense of @chadloder, @igd_news, @tony , @atrupar, and others who are losing their means of independence.
#corporatejournalists #forshame
@albinanigans so, here's my #ForShame moment of the day. Did not know this was a black band. They sounds like all the other bands of the early 90s that I uhhh just assumed they were white. For shame. I'm going to go put on my cone now.