Today's sunset (3rd July) will be 13 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a magnificent 180 minutes and 58 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (2nd July) will be 10 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a magnificent 181 minutes and 11 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (1st July) will be 8 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 181 minutes and 21 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (30th June) will be 7 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a glorious 181 minutes and 29 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (29th June) will be 4 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a delicious 181 minutes and 36 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Fort Collins, United States: Totally 80's Pizza & Museum | Rating: 4.7 #pizza #fortcollins
Today's sunset (28th June) will be 2 seconds earlier than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 181 minutes and 40 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
We are asking that people in northern Colorado distribute the following flyers around to solicit information on Patriot Front member "Calvin CO"
Full res:
#fortcollins #greeley #colorado
Today's sunset (27th June) will be 0 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a magnificent 181 minutes and 42 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (26th June) will be 1 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 181 minutes and 42 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (25th June) will be 4 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a delicious 181 minutes and 41 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (24th June) will be 6 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a glorious 181 minutes and 37 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (23rd June) will be 7 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 181 minutes and 31 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (22nd June) will be 10 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a glorious 181 minutes and 24 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (21st June) will be 11 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 181 minutes and 14 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (20th June) will be 14 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a delicious 181 minutes and 3 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (19th June) will be 15 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:34pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 180 minutes and 49 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (18th June) will be 17 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:33pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a glorious 180 minutes and 34 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch
Today's sunset (17th June) will be 19 seconds later than yesterday's and will occur at 8:33pm MDT
#FortCollins. This is a beautiful 180 minutes and 17 seconds more than the earliest sunset. Hat-tip to @theauldsthretch