Are you realy learn something new with a next language ?
How to escape re learning algol from 60th 60th time ? #smalltalk, #lisp #forth
i have a #forth newbie question :
when you want to code in forth on a microcontroller, what is your workflow to edit/save/run the code ? sometimes i see people coding in a text editor and copy/pasting to a serial terminal : is there a better way to it ?
@Wintermute_BBS @elliottucker There was actually a Spectrum-era computer called the Jupiter Ace, which ran #Forth as its native language. Good luck finding one of those these days - although I believe there are emulators for it out there.
A solid morning's progress on #Transputer #Forth - it now displays the first part of the cold boot message 'eForth v' and then crashes before displaying the version number. More squinting at the emulator output required, but that's a task for another session.
For the clock, I will need to rewrite the constraints parser. I don't like writing parsers. I liked the #Forth parser until it came to floating point numbers and then the nightmare began.
I don't like to write parsers so on Monday I will read some article about C++, YACC and Lex. Because these things should be created automatically. #fpga #apicula
Anyone has "FORTH" by Salman, Tisserand, Toulout (Macmillan, 1984)? Needed 'Towers of Hanoi' code example, exactly version from this book... Probably Chapter 8.4. #forth #helpneeded
I think my favorite unexpected bonus in moving to the fedi from #twitter is just how many little tech projects I see now that are filled with life
so many little games, retro tools, and art experiments. so many #forth implementations!
it's been a real delight. it's enough to make me enjoy playing with computers again
Aliasing bug fixed, now stepping through the inner interpreter.. think I've found a bug in $COLON (this is not a microbiome joke). #FORTH #Transputer
@PythonLinks Indeed his documentation is awesome - I have been out of the #Forth world for a while, and have only just found that he had passed away. He was quite the genius. I haven't found an eForth for the Pico, perhaps if I succeed with the Transputer version, I'll try to keep eForth alive there.
I’m growing increasingly frustrated with new programming languages. I’m writing new, because I think they are not very modern. We had #LISP, #Smalltalk, and even the very strange #Forth like 40 or 50 years ago. They introduced us to REPL or interactive programming with immediate feedback cycles. Even Python hasn’t implemented that fully. Were is all of that?
@blainsmith now wondering what the minimum tool set is on top of a kernel. All you need is to be able to get content into a file, and execute that file. I wonder if I can persuade the kernel to run cat as pid 1 with output to a file (specifically, to cat), type in a tiny #Forth/#Lisp binary (in typable characters only) and reboot into that for great justice.
I'm still reading, days later, this very very long (and good!) article on discovering Forth, writing ones own and the thinking and introspection around that;
#RuinAFilm but programming language names:
Ghost in the #Haskell
#Perl Is For Heros
In The Name Of The #Java
Schindler's #Lisp
Star Wars: The #FORTH Awakens
Manchester By the #C
The Truman #Go
Bringing Up #Ruby
Anyone get any other good ideas?
#Puns #Joke
#ruinafilm #haskell #perl #java #lisp #forth #c #go #ruby #puns #joke
Another beautiful day for #wildflowers (and watching #bees) #bloomscrolling by the #Forth #riverside
#riverside #forth #bloomscrolling #bees #wildflowers
Another lovely day for #wildflower #bloomscrolling by the #Forth
#forth #bloomscrolling #wildflower