A Bristol è #NatoOggi nel 1965 #DamienHirst non è uno dei miei artisti contemporanei preferiti ma #ForTheLoveOfGod mi ha davvero impressionata https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2016/04/quel-che-resta-del-giorno-.html
#7giugno #mastoart #botd #NatoOggi #DamienHirst #fortheloveofgod
RT @SleepyJim0@twitter.com
The Govt’s covid pandemic plan is purely one of hope.
They hope too many won’t die or become disabled.
They hope the virus will become less virulent.
They hope the pandemic will end.
That’s it, that’s the reasoning and the entire plan.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SleepyJim0/status/1615803453170745344
#fortheloveofgod #lesshopium #morereasoning