Javert and Jean Valjean reminds me more of Odo and Quark.
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#AllStarTrek #startrek #startrekds9 #fortheuniform
#AllStarTrek This episode's name #ForTheUniform is a little ironic given that Star Fleet's uniform was just redesigned a few episodes ago for... reasons.🤷♂️
#AllStarTrek Like #DavidAlanGrier always said, "Chasing a Maquis terrorist in a half functional Federation starship is a dumb idea, so for God's sake stop it!"
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#fortheuniform #startrekds9 #startrek #davidalangrier #AllStarTrek
Is Sisko Ahab?
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#AllStarTrek #startrek #startrekds9 #fortheuniform
#AllStarTrek Cripes they're embarking on a dangerous high stakes mission with a half functional ship? What is this #StarTrekV?
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#fortheuniform #startrekds9 #startrek #StarTrekV #AllStarTrek
Nog's doing an Uhura!
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#AllStarTrek #startrek #startrekds9 #fortheuniform
Sisko is still VERRRRY angry.
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #ForTheUniform
#AllStarTrek #startrek #startrekds9 #fortheuniform
Is it just me, or is the fandom much harder on Janeway for her actions in #Tuvix than they are on Sisko for his actions in #ForTheUniform ?
#tuvix #fortheuniform #allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekds9
Sisko is just wrong here. It’s pretty indefensible.
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
Here is some information about the USS Malinche (DS9's "For the Uniform"), courtesy of Memory Alpha.
According to Ronald D. Moore, this ship was named for La Malinche, "Cortez's Indian lover, a brilliant woman who had a gift for languages."
The Star Trek Encyclopedia described La Malinche as a "16th century Mexican princess who was originally a slave given as a peace offering to the Spanish conquistadors by the Tabascan Indians."
#AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #ForTheUniform @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
Who needs a comms system when you have the lobes?
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
I think Sisko’s going to rupture an artery.
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
While the Maquis story arc wasn't a major part of DS9, when they do focus on it, like in this episode ("For the Uniform"), the writers do a good job.
Btw, I wished VOY had more Maquis - Starfleet conflict when the two crews initially merged into one. I felt that happened a bit too quickly/easily.
#allstartrek #startrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
Whatever happened to the very realistic holo-images? #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #ForTheUniform @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform
There are a lot of Starfleet officers that joined the Maquis. That should tell you something. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #ForTheUniform @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #fortheuniform