#Create and customize your #OrgCharts using new capabilities in Visio #ForTheWeb
Today, we're excited to announce new capabilities to help you quickly create and further customize your org charts to make them even more informative and useful. Visio Plan 1 and Visio Plan 2 subscribers can access a men [...]
https://bit.ly/41Bgq4Q #chart #org #Visio #node #web
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog
#create #orgcharts #fortheweb #chart #org #visio #node #web
#Advanced Task Dependencies in #Project #ForTheWeb https://bit.ly/3JCs60g #Microsoft #Office #Office365
#advanced #project #fortheweb #microsoft #office #office365
RT @webfoundation@twitter.com
📣 We need to hear your voice to ensure that as large a group as possible is represented in the Contract #ForTheWeb deliberations.
Respond to the public survey by September 8 ➡️ http://bit.ly/AddYourVoiceContract
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/webfoundation/status/1163404239055380480
30 years on, what’s next #ForTheWeb? https://onezero.medium.com/30-years-on-whats-next-fortheweb-6ce844ed147f?gi=2713992e213a
RT @cipesaug@twitter.com
REPORT: As of Jan 2019, of the 14 African leaders who have been in power for 13 years & above, 11 have ordered shutdowns, mostly during election periods & public protests against govt policies. See: https://bit.ly/2Y67zIJ
#fortheweb #netdemocracy #keepiton #internetfreedomafrica
In June 1995 I presented "Using Gopher with the World-Wide-Web" at GopherCon 95.
""Together the strengths of Gopher and WWW create a better, more integrated information system.""
RT @freeksounds@twitter.activitypub.actor
In 2008, we started as #ccmusic netlabel – and are still growing up. #Web30 #ForTheWeb
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/freeksounds/status/1105575755721965570
And when I was in Oslo last, I went stalked web history. Sorta.
RT @ruari@twitter.com
In (1999), the Presto and KHTML web engines were being worked on in Waldemar Thranes gate 98, Oslo Norway. Presto had a big influence on web standards. KHTML was the forerunner to Webkit/Blink, on which most web browsers are now based, including @vivaldibrowser. #Web30 #ForTheWeb
RT @mozilla_fr
Le Web a 30 ans !
« Vague, mais prometteur » : c’est avec ce commentaire de son chef lui donnant ainsi le feu vert que @timberners_lee a récupéré le 12 mars 1989 sa proposition de système de gestion de l’information https://blog.mozfr.org/post/2019/03/Web-a-30-ans #Web30 #ForTheWeb
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mozilla_fr/status/1105499188928884743
RT @SELFHTML@twitter.activitypub.actor
In 1995, @StefanMuenz@twitter.activitypub.actor released the first version of SELFHTML, a documentation of Web technologies in German language that has influenced generations of Web developers. Danke, Stefan. #Web30 #ForTheWeb
@w3c@twitter.activitypub.actor @zenobocardo@twitter.activitypub.actor Suggestions to change the web for a better future:
1) decentralize infrastructure;
2) split the Giants
3) embrace diversity (this one is urgent)
4) make the standardization a community process (not owned just by companies)
Vor 30 Jahren wurde das WWW erfunden - heute sieht es so aus...
#Web30 #ForTheWeb
RT @kateo@twitter.activitypub.actor
I love these two for making a funny to help people remember the difference.
@vgcerf@twitter.activitypub.actor = Internet, ~1969.
@timberners_lee@twitter.activitypub.actor = WWW, ~1989.
Both of them: awesome, always.
Le Web a 30 ans !
« Vague, mais prometteur » : c’est avec ce commentaire de son chef lui donnant ainsi le feu vert que @timberners_lee a récupéré le 12 mars 1989 sa proposition de système de gestion de l’information https://blog.mozfr.org/post/2019/03/Web-a-30-ans #Web30 #ForTheWeb
In 1996, i was spending many hours after school at a Sun workstation in a dimly lit computer pool at @OVGUpresse, where i tried my first steps in HTML.
It was the glorious age of Geocities and GIFs. I found it so exciting to surf the Web on Netscape Navigator!
RT @jonsvt@twitter.activitypub.actor
In 1992, I worked at @TelenorResearch@twitter.activitypub.actor of the Norwegian State-owned @Telenorgroup@twitter.activitypub.actor, came across World Wide Web and made the first Norwegian web page, which became the entry page for all other Norwegian websites. #Web30 #ForTheWeb
More on this in my blog: https://vivaldi.com/blog/building-browsers/
RT @ruari@twitter.activitypub.actor
In (1999), the Presto and KHTML web engines were being worked on in Waldemar Thranes gate 98, Oslo Norway. Presto had a big influence on web standards. KHTML was the forerunner to Webkit/Blink, on which most web browsers are now based, including @vivaldibrowser@twitter.activitypub.actor. #Web30 #ForTheWeb
RT @timberners_lee@twitter.activitypub.actor
I’m taking a 30-hour journey with @webfoundation@twitter.activitypub.actor to celebrate the web’s 30th birthday.
First stop @CERN@twitter.activitypub.actor — where it all began.
We’ll be visiting London, UK today and finishing in Lagos, Nigeria tomorrow.
Follow the celebrations at #Web30 #ForTheWeb.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timberners_lee/status/1105400740112203777
Le Web a 30 ans, #Web30 #ForTheWeb tout ça.... mais qu'en est-il de l'État de l'Art de façonner une page web ?
@glazou a fait le tour pour nous, et il a sorti la machine à baffes : https://cpu.dascritch.net/post/2019/02/28/Ex0103-Web%2C-State-of-the-Art-2019
Il y a 20 ans, le site de @libe ressemblait à ça. Honoré de passer dans le sillage de toutes les équipes qui ont fait vivre le #journal sur le web. #Web30 #ForTheWeb