On today's insanity, I mean #workout
Warm-up 1: 5' #AMRAP with partner:
P1: 150 run
P2: row
Warm-up 2: 3 rounds
- 30" hang
- 5 down-ups box step over
- 10 KB (9 kg) swings
- 5/5 KB (9 kg) push-press
And then: #ForTime Time cap 35'
- 1500 m row
- 30 8m shuttle runs
- 30 burpees box jump overs
- 30 2 KB (6 kg) clean & jerks
- 30 burpees box jump overs
- 30 8m shuttle runs
- 1500 m row
Finished in 33', with fairly ok splits for the row (2:15 & 2:30), drenched, exhausted, and once again questioning my sanity.
#CrossFit #CrossFitForYoga #Fitness #GymLife #Exercise #WOD #WorkoutOfTheDay
#workout #amrap #fortime #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #fitness #gymlife #exercise #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
Today's #workout
Warm-up 1: 5 min AMRAP
Partner 1: run 150 m
Partner 2: row
Then switch
Warm-up 2: 5 min AMRAP
- 20 second active - passive hang
- 10 single leg dead lift (5L / 5R) [9kg kettle bell]
- 10 ring rows
- 10 hollow rocks
10 minutes to build to about 70% of 1RM dead lift.
Then: Time cap 15 minutes (quarter finals WOD 5):
- 21 dead lifts (at 50% of 1RM = 30 kg)
- 21 chest to bars --> ring rows with 2 second hold
- 15 dead lifts (at 60% = 35 kg)
- 15 bar muscle ups --> jumping bmu on a low bar and I finally managed to stay on top for a second or two(!)
- 9 dead lifts (at 70% = 42 kg)
- 9 15ft rope climbs --> 18 modified (floor to standing) rope get ups
I finished in 12:37, totally dead, and my hands hating me, but I did it after 2 weeks of il dolce far niente
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #Wod #WeightLifting #Gymnastics #ForTime #AMRAP
#workout #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #weightlifting #gymnastics #fortime #amrap