I can recommend the book "Fire Weather" by John Vaillant. A multi-perspective, detailed, riveting and respectful recounting of the Fort McMurray fire. But way more. The FMM fire is nestled into the story of fire, in it's many forms & spanning an incredible range of time. And both stories are woven into a comprehensive look at climate change. #goodbook #fire #ClimateChange #Books #Vaillant #FireWeather #FortMcMurray #GoodReads #audiobook
#audiobook #GoodReads #fortmcmurray #FireWeather #vaillant #Books #ClimateChange #fire #goodbook
The Tyee: When John Vaillant Contemplates Catastrophe, We Should Listen https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/05/25/John-Vaillant-Fire-Weather-Fort-McMurray-Alberta/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #Alberta’sPetroleumandNaturalGasConservationBoard #FireWeather:TheMakingofaBeast #AlbertapremierErnestManning #RogerRevelleoceanographer #GuyCallendarengineer #OntheNatureofThings #EdwardTellerH-bomb #TheGlobeandMail #Hudson’sBayCo. #PredatoryDelay #ChisholmFire #FortMcMurray #GilbertPlass #Lucretius
#BCNews #TheTyee #Alberta #fireweather #albertapremierernestmanning #rogerrevelleoceanographer #guycallendarengineer #onthenatureofthings #edwardtellerh #theglobeandmail #hudson #PredatoryDelay #chisholmfire #fortmcmurray #gilbertplass #lucretius
There were sharp words & fiery exchanges this week at a #TownHall meeting between #ImperialOil & residents of #FortChipewyan , #Alberta .
It was the #FirstTime the company met with #residents of the #community on the western shore of #LakeAthabasca since #wastewater #seepage was discovered from #TailingsPonds at Imperial Oil Ltd.'s #KearlLake# oilsands site near #FortMcMurray . Fort Chipewyan is downstream from the tailings ponds.
#townhall #imperialoil #fortchipewyan #alberta #firsttime #residents #community #lakeathabasca #wastewater #seepage #tailingsponds #kearllake #fortmcmurray #pollution #ecocide #canada #ecojustice
The Tyee: The ‘Top Employer’ Where Workers Kept Dying (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/12/22/Top-Employer-Workers-Dying/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #SeanHumphrey,VPofMarketing,GlobeandMail #PhillipCrawley,GlobeandMailPublisher #SeanTucker,UniversityofRegina #KrisSmith,InterimCEO,Suncor #MarkLittle,SuncorCEO #MediacorpCanadaInc. #AnthonyMeehan #CanadianPress #PressProgress #FortMcMurray #GlobeandMail #SuncorEnergy
#BCNews #TheTyee #SeanHumphrey #PhillipCrawley #SeanTucker #KrisSmith #MarkLittle #MediacorpCanadaInc #AnthonyMeehan #CanadianPress #PressProgress #fortmcmurray #GlobeandMail #SuncorEnergy
The Tyee: The ‘Top Employer’ Where Workers Kept Dying (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/12/22/Top-Employer-Workers-Dying/ #gaming #tech #SeanHumphrey,VPofMarketing,GlobeandMail #PhillipCrawley,GlobeandMailPublisher #SeanTucker,UniversityofRegina #KrisSmith,InterimCEO,Suncor #MarkLittle,SuncorCEO #MediacorpCanadaInc. #AnthonyMeehan #CanadianPress #PressProgress #FortMcMurray #GlobeandMail #SuncorEnergy
#Gaming #Tech #SeanHumphrey #PhillipCrawley #SeanTucker #KrisSmith #MarkLittle #MediacorpCanadaInc #AnthonyMeehan #CanadianPress #PressProgress #fortmcmurray #GlobeandMail #SuncorEnergy
#mosstodon Friday with Biodiversity in a boreal bog near #FortMcMurray, Alberta this fall before the freeze. #Sphagnum #fuscum #magellanicum #Politricumstrictum #moss #peatsci
#Mosstodon #fortmcmurray #Sphagnum #fuscum #magellanicum #politricumstrictum #moss #peatsci
Yikes. Anyone in #FortMcMurray #ymm, fyi possible bomb threat downtown at the Jubilee building today: https://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/news/police-evacuate-jubilee-centre-after-reports-of-a-bomb-threat