“Rather than pursuing a traditional four-year #bachelor 's degree in nursing, McAleney chose a two-year Northern #Baccalaureate Nursing Program (#NBNP) offered at the University of Northern B.C.'s #PeaceRiverLiard campus in #FortStJohn. This accelerated program is designed for people with previous undergraduate education.”
#bachelor #baccalaureate #nbnp #peaceriverliard #fortstjohn
Missing 15-year-old David Todd Laboucan Harvey
Global News BC: Kelowna, B.C. firefighter returns home after helping Fort St. John crews battle wildfires https://globalnews.ca/news/9729260/kelowna-firefighter-returns-home-fort-st-john/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Fireinformationofficer #KelownaFireDepartment #KamloopsFireCentre #kelownafirefighter #StoddartCreekfire #activewildfires #centralokanagan #RedCreekfire #BCWildfire #FortStJohn #northernBC #Okanagan #Wildfire #Weather #Kelowna #Canada #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fireinformationofficer #kelownafiredepartment #kamloopsfirecentre #kelownafirefighter #stoddartcreekfire #activewildfires #centralokanagan #redcreekfire #BCWildfire #fortstjohn #northernBC #okanagan #Wildfire #Weather #kelowna #Canada #fire
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/flood-watch-heavy-rain-peace-fort-nelson-1.6851171 “A flood watch was issued Sunday for rivers and tributaries around #FortStJohn, #Taylor, #Chetwynd, #Moberly Lake, #PinePass, Hudson's Hope and Dawson Creek.”
#fortstjohn #taylor #chetwynd #moberly #pinepass
#rainyday hopefully suppressing the #BCWildfire (s) around #FORTSTJOHN
Just the order for #MundaneMonday
#rainyday #bcwildfire #fortstjohn #mundanemonday
https://www.cjdctv.com/increase-of-smoke-expected-for-peace-region-to-last-the-next-48-hours-1.6406857 “#FORTSTJOHN -- The #StoddartCreek #wildfire is blowing smoke toward the #PeaceRegion.
According to #EnvironmentCanada, there will be an increase of smoke for the region for the next 24 to 48 hours as winds blow smoke in a north-northwest direction. It may even last up to 72 hours.”
#fortstjohn #stoddartcreek #wildfire #peaceregion #environmentcanada #bcfire #bcwildfire
Fort St. John, Taylor rescinds evacuation alert https://energeticcity.ca/2023/05/17/fort-st-john-rescinds-evacuation-alert/ https://energeticcity.ca/2023/05/17/fort-st-john-rescinds-evacuation-alert/?fbclid=IwAR3GdrIeVY_7tLt6OW93SBKTbCXild_jY0PfiELQFeC1_2k8gdEenWjKQtk
“FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. — The City of Fort St. John and the District of Taylor have rescinded their evacuation alerts.
The City of Fort St. John says it will continue to monitor the wildfire situation and support citizens who the wildfires have displaced. Residents of #FortStJohn can safely resume everyday activities in our community.”
Missing 67-year-old, Joy Maureen Davies
A #BritishColumbia #MassageTherapist who #refused to treat a #client because they were a #Muslim and they have a "bad reputation for raping and killing" has lost the first round of a #HumanRights complaint.
According to a March 8 #BCHumanRightsTribunal decision, Majid Shahadat booked a lymphatic massage treatment with the #NorthernSchoolOfMassage in 2019.
#FortStJohn #RacistAlert #Racism #AntiRacism #NorthernBC #Canada #StandUpAgainstRacists
#britishcolumbia #massagetherapist #refused #client #muslim #humanrights #bchumanrightstribunal #northernschoolofmassage #fortstjohn #racistalert #racism #antiracism #northernBC #canada #standupagainstracists
Global News BC: Man killed by snow-clearing equipment in Fort St. John, B.C. https://globalnews.ca/news/9538291/man-killed-snow-clearing-equipment-fort-st-john/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #mankilledsnowclearingequipment #snowclearingequipment #mankilledfortstjohn #fortstjohnfatal #FatalCollision #FortStJohn #Collision #Canada #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mankilledsnowclearingequipment #snowclearingequipment #mankilledfortstjohn #fortstjohnfatal #fatalcollision #fortstjohn #collision #Canada #RCMP
Global News BC: Northern B.C. drug bust nets 23 arrests, seizure of guns, cash, vehicles, cigarettes https://globalnews.ca/news/9475587/northern-b-c-drug-bust-23-arrested/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Contrabandcigarettes #DrugTrafficking #DawsonCreek #CarsSeized #FortNelson #FortStJohn #GunsSeized #northernBC #DrugBust #BCCFSEU #Cocaine #Crime #CFSEU #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #contrabandcigarettes #DrugTrafficking #dawsoncreek #carsseized #FortNelson #fortstjohn #gunsseized #northernBC #DrugBust #bccfseu #cocaine #crime #CFSEU #RCMP
Global News BC: 10 malamute-cross dogs rescued from remote northern B.C. property https://globalnews.ca/news/9422745/spca-malamute-rescue/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fortstjohnrescue #malamuterescue #malamutehusky #SPCAdonations #NorthernB.C. #FortStJohn #SPCArescue #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fortstjohnrescue #malamuterescue #malamutehusky #SPCAdonations #northernb #fortstjohn #spcarescue #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Take #Fracking #Earthquakes Seriously.
#Triggered #tremors shook #FortStJohn. Then one in #Texas #damaged a large #university building, forcing its #closure.
#OilAndGas #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #CancelBillionaires #KillTheDrill #StopEcocide #ClimateCrisis #DefundCGL #FrackedGas #FrackedFuel #ecocide #environmental #ClimateJustice #ecojustice #KeepItInTheGround #BritishColumbia #Canada #FossilFuels #Danger #PNW #DontLookUp #crapitalism #BullyTheRich
#fracking #earthquakes #triggered #tremors #fortstjohn #texas #damaged #university #closure #oilandgas #corporategreed #greedkills #cancelbillionaires #KilltheDrill #stopecocide #climatecrisis #defundcgl #frackedgas #frackedfuel #ecocide #environmental #climatejustice #ecojustice #keepitintheground #britishcolumbia #canada #fossilfuels #danger #pnw #DontLookUp #crapitalism #BullyTheRich