#nbc #nbcnews #abc #abcnews #cbs #cbsnews #cnn #cnni #hln #journalists #journalism #YouTube #Fox #FoxTV #FoxNews #foxbusiness #cnbc #MSNBC #HoustonChronicle #DallasMorningNews #FortWorthStarTelegram #SanAntonioExpressNews #TheDailyTexan #AustinAmericanStatesman #ElPasoTimes #FocusDailyNews #TheShreveportTimes #CorpusChristiCallerTimes #TheBaytownSun #TheBanderaBulletin
#elonmusk Says He Can’t Get #Fair #Trial in #sanfrancisco Favors #Texas
What a #LOSER
#nbc #nbcnews #abc #abcnews #cbs #cbsnews #cnn #cnni #hln #journalists #journalism #youtube #fox #foxtv #foxnews #foxbusiness #cnbc #msnbc #houstonchronicle #dallasmorningnews #fortworthstartelegram #sanantonioexpressnews #thedailytexan #austinamericanstatesman #elpasotimes #focusdailynews #theshreveporttimes #corpuschristicallertimes #thebaytownsun #thebanderabulletin #elonmusk #fair #trial #sanfrancisco #texas #loser
@jensimmons this is a lovely idea. Sadly my local newspaper won’t even pay its writers a living wage, let alone do something like this. #DontCrossThePicketLine #FortWorthStarTelegram
#dontcrossthepicketline #fortworthstartelegram
Union members of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram are now on strike. Where did I hear this? Twitter trending. 😕 #FortWorthStarTelegram
I say this not as a discouragement to the mass migration, just as a reminder of what we are up against and what we stand to lose. There is no replacement for a single centralized communication hub. I still believe that Twitter succeeded in spite of itself and in spite of its many design flaws.