Si vous avez souvent des #formulaires à remplir sur des sites/appli spécifiques, ou des bouts de #textes récurrents à ajouter à vos #mails ou dans des #forums, pensez à les stocker dans les #notes📒de Vivaldi, bien classés dans des dossiers synchronisables.
Il vous suffira ensuite d'un clic-droit > Insérer une note... pour ajouter rapidement telle ou telle donnée textuelle, que ce soit 10 mots ou 50 lignes, à l'emplacement voulu, en économisant autant de frappes ⌨️ .
#astuces #vivaldi #desktop #formulaires #textes #mails #forums #notes
The only time I remember the Ubuntu forum still exists is the day before my birthday. I guess time zones or something are off, but it never fails to send me a happy birthday email the night before despite me not having logged into that account for probably over 10yrs lol.
Dans les années 2000/2010, je trouvais facilement des #forums avec pas mal d'activité (et ça pouvait vite devenir assez pointu). Chaque #communauté avait son/ses forums. Aujourd'hui, ces espaces sont bien moins vivants. Je présume que ce qui s'y passait est ailleurs à présent.
Ma remarque est générale mais on peut prendre un exemple que je connais assez : les #jongleurs. est complètement mort à présent. Cette communauté très active à une époque est bien quelque part en ligne, non ?
#forums #communaute #jongleurs
Share Your Projects: Leave Breadcrumbs - I’ve talked about a low-effort way to document your projects by taking plenty of p... - #internethacks #documentation #research #skills #forums
#forums #skills #research #documentation #internethacks
Man the #forums are full of abusers!
You can't ask a question or report an obvious problem, which immediately arrives the horde of users who shoot non-sense just to write, they always respond in an approximate way and give you useless solutions.
Browse your Lemmy communities on your Android phone.
Sync for Lemmy:
I look back fondly and remember the people I met through forums. And eventually, I met many of them in real life at conferences.
Folks I developed friendships with that have lasted for 15 to 20+ years.
I decided it's probably good for my brain to actually do this instead of just wishing it existed, so this month there's a writing challenge on Steve the WriMo Forum.
So if you want to hang out on a forum with me and write some words, it's now a thing you can do! It's pretty low-key - we set our own goals (words, hours, pages, chapters, days when you open the document...) and then post progress throughout the month. Also talk about writing and whatever else takes our fancy, play some word games, share favourite songs, and generally just have fun being writer-type people on the internet.
Still looking for responses to this one! Also I should've probably included hashtags, however I can't edit the post because that'll reset votes. I don't remember if hashtags work for replies, but probably worth a try: #Survey #Poll #Discourse #NodeBB #GitHub #Discord #Forums.
#forums #Discord #GitHub #nodebb #discourse #Poll #survey
Jsou tu samozřejmě různá zájmová fóra, která mají plně volnou ruku v tom jak provádí onboarding.
Obávám se ale, že pro účely jako jsou současné fb skupiny je to overkill. (Podobně jako by bylo třeba hostování vlastní instance Mastodonu nebo něčeho jiného na Acitvity Pubu)
Já sám bych se do toho pro účely, které má moje zmíněná fb skupina třeba určitě neodhodlal.
#Mastodon #netiquette #toots #threads #forums #conversation
I'm curious about this aspect of federated social networks:
When you post, do you think of yourself as owning a thread, in the sense of posting a new topic on a forum?
So for example, do notions of "going off topic" or "hijacking my topic" apply here?
Also, what's the convention regarding policing replies? Can one say "I only want to hear from X type of people" or "I'm not interested in certain opinions or others' experiences" ?
#mastodon #netiquette #toots #threads #forums #conversation
I can tell that the official #blizzard #D4 #forums are powered by #discourse. I wonder if they are hosted by Discouse or if they roll their own servers. The instance is heavily modded. The theme is tightly integrated.
#blizzard #d4 #forums #discourse
I've been looking high & low but it could be possible that the #KDrama community I created may be the only #Lemmy one around. Although it's in the Malaysia Lemmy instance, you are welcome to join if you're not a Malaysian.
To join the Lemmy group, open an account at Lemmy and then search for !
Then, click Subscribe.
You're set!
#kdrama #lemmy #kdramas #tv #forums
Ok I went ahead and created a KDrama community in and immediately realised: Wait does that mean I'm a moderator now alamak 😆
And can non-Malaysians join the discussions @cendawanita ??
#kdramas #malaysia #lemmy #forums #fediverse
Okay, let's try some #Introduction
I am from northern #finland, quite middle of nowhere to be honest. 😄
You can find some of my #interests in my profile, but there is more.
This is my first time to write on any social platform, excluding a few #oldschool #forums.
I like to build any kind of #linux #servers, mostly to my own use or just for fun.
I will probably post here some pics and short stories of our #cars , my #guitars , projects etc..
#introduction #finland #interests #oldschool #forums #linux #servers #cars #guitars
My thoughts on the #reddit migration and why #discord is a worse alternative.
#redditmigration #fediverse #forums
#reddit #discord #redditmigration #fediverse #forums
With the most recent #Reddit & #Twitter implosions, it truly feels like social media's cancer has finally become terminal.
#Lemmy & #Mastodon are nice alternatives, but there's only so much slack that can be taken up by the #Fediverse - running on a limited number of servers in a limited number of dudes' basements.
Is it time for #forums to return? #Blogs? Do we use #UseNet for what it was originally intended, and not *just* to pirate stuff?
Or maybe we should just go read a #book.
#hashtag #book #usenet #blogs #forums #Fediverse #Mastodon #Lemmy #Twitter #reddit
@sarahjamielewis we were young and naïve back then too, but I definitely think #forums are due for a resurgence. I've been ringing this bell for years now after #CambridgeAnalytica broke, but this latest round of closing off the internet is just pushing more and more people away from walled gardens and closed platforms.
I'm hoping @nodebb (N.B. this is my #foss project) can lead the way on this, with a modern take on the tried and true #forum formula.
#forums #cambridgeanalytica #foss #forum
The free open source forum software NodeBB is now working on official Fediverse support. Federation isn't ready yet, but if this interests you, you might want to follow their account:
➡️ @nodebb
Their official website is at and the co-founder of NodeBB is at @devnull
#bulletinboards #messageboards #forums #nodebb #Fediverse