At #FOSDEM you can spot the people working on #VLC because they wear these traffic cone hats, like the VLC logo.
#fosdem #vlc #trafficcone #trafficconehat #fosdem2019 #WebThings demo monitor #AirQuality using #community #sensors and used for #homeAutomation with #PrivacyByDesign demonstrated at #FOSDEM2019
#webthings #airquality #community #sensors #homeautomation #privacybydesign #fosdem2019 #FOSDEM : I just joined #FOSDEM2020 volunteers team , this @fosdem team deserve credits they helped a lot when I presented at previous editions #FOSDEM2020 (x3) , #FOSDEM2019 (x2) , #FOSDEM2018, #FOSDEM2017 , #FOSDEM2016, #FOSDEM2015, #FOSDEM2014
#fosdem2020 #fosdem2019 #fosdem2018 #FOSDEM2014 #FOSDEM2016 #fosdem #fosdem2017 #FOSDEM2015
@FLOX_advocate sounds like a 180 degrees flip from #FOSDEM2019, or? Or maybe Bradley is going to announce that given Microsoft and Google sponsorship of "the first ever annual" #CopyleftConf, it's cool again to be political in the software arena... 😕 I'm very curious to see what "strategies" he's coming up with tomorrow, besides the injuction for people to "work on their free time" for free software, as he shamelessly proposed in his FOSDEM keynote.
RT @evalica
@opensrcdesign See the #video recording for the #opensourcedesign #panel at #FOSDEM2019 #fosdem
#video #opensourcedesign #panel #fosdem2019 #fosdem
[EN] Didn't you watch our talk at the @fosdem ? Don't worry, the video is on our #Peertube channel ! Thanks again to the @fosdem and to Aleks from @yunohost for editing this video !
[FR] Vous avez manqué notre conférence au @fosdem ? Pas de panique, la vidéo (en anglais) est sur notre chaîne Peertube ! Un grand merci au @fosdem et aux bénévoles pour l'accuail, ainsi qu'à Aleks de @yunohost pour le montage !
#fosdem #fosdem2019
Wer mal Lust hat sich durch die aktuellen #FOSDEM2019 Videos zu wühlen... Bitte sehr:
[EN] Many thanks to the @fosdem and all the volunteers of the Decentralized Internet and Privacy devroom, that was a great weekend ! As we said during our talk, if you are a developer and want to help @exodus, please contact us !
[FR] Un grand merci au @fosdem et aux bénévoles de la devroom ! Comme nous l'avons dit pendant la conférence, si vous êtes développeuse ou développeur et souhaitez nous aider, contactez-nous !
RT Following a great #FOSDEM2019 presentation by's own (video available at, I've spent most of today fiddling with Synapse ( and
I'm _very_ impressed by how well things fit together. "Chapeau bas" !
Fabulous edition of #FOSDEM2019. Every year I come it validates working on building free software for 15 years now. Meeting our users of and has been amazing. I'm looking forward to see talks in video now ! Thanks to the organizers
Published my slides of "Profiling PHP applications" #FOSDEM2019
RT Amazing to see present and demo the work I helped put together to bring to low-bandwidth use cases live in front of a packed room at #FOSDEM2019 #FOSDEM
"Serverless" = Proprietary CGI
Conférence sur 2FA dans OwnCloud
Track of my day in #FOSDEM2019 :blobaww:
#postgres #openldap #0ad #fosdem2019
Thanks #FOSDEM2019!
Slides are at:
I want to #thank the #audience and panel members for participating in our #panel: Donald,, and Timon. We had a blast! #FOSDEM #opensourcedesign #fosdem2019
#thank #opensourcedesign #fosdem #fosdem2019 #audience #panel