🛎️💃Listen to this talk to learn more about the 7️⃣ key ingredients to ensure your #SBOM includes enough data to be actionable given by one of the SBOM benders @puerco at #FOSDEM23🎧
@otzarriren #FOSDEM23eko argazki hauek begira nenbilen eta jendearen artean nahastuta VLCren garatzaile edo zale bat ikusi dut. Zuek ikusten duzue? 😆
Aupa Joseba! Badakizu argazkiak partekatzeko sare sozial libre eta federatuak daudela, ezta? pixelfed.eus eta beste asko:
Writing today’s Drop was so much fun I could hardly contain myself.*
Drop #209 (2023-02-28)
What's Up Doc[ker]?
— Touring The Container Developer Tooling Landscape; #FOSDEM23
— A Rosetta (Stone) For Docker; (previously 🔒 in a Bonus Drop)
— #Bitnami ARM Containers;
— #OrbStack
Read/sub: https://dailyfinds.hrbrmstr.dev/p/drop-209-2023-02-28-whats-up-docker
*I said in the Drop that there would be no puns _in_ the edition, which doesn’t preclude puns in a 🐘 post.
You can follow the link in the LWN article to the #FOSDEM23 keynote by @crawfordsm and watch the video: "Open Source Software at NASA" https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/nasa/
FOSDEM 2023 Transcribed by Whisper
I was back from #FOSDEM23, it was great to see many of my friend in EU/UK. but really hard to trip - 19 hrs to go.
And I met the accidents with the bar in Brussels. they had blocked me twice to enter, their securites/clrecks were really bad - they bothered me again and again, said 'you should get out/come tomorrow', I have never had such a bad experience I have visited many more EU countries. so I wrote the bad review to this fxxkn bar https://www.yelp.co.jp/biz/roosters-bruxelles?hrid=-iN1_pWAMbil5D6uEmXzzQ&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct)
#Linux comes in many forms, most are #GNU / Linux but now we have a new run on #BSD / Linux in the form of #ChimeraLinux
From #FOSDEM23
More at the homepage:
👹 🐧
#linux #gnu #bsd #ChimeraLinux #fosdem23
And here is one of my talk "The Importance of Collaborative Applications for European Digital Sovereignty" Transcript: https://jonatron.github.io/fosdem2023whisper/files/sovcloud_the_importance_of_collaborative_applications_for_european_digital_sovereignty.webm.txt
Video: https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/sovcloud_the_importance_of_collaborative_applications_for_european_digital_sovereignty/ #FOSDEM23
Nice transcription of ALL fosdem using whisper. Based on it here is a word cloud of all #FOSDEM23 https://jonatron.github.io/fosdem2023whisper/links.html
The recording is now available here! 🍿
RT @roblaszczak
#FOSDEM23 is over, and I'm finally back home!
Big thanks to all organizers, everybody who attended my presentation, and everybody with whom I had a chance to have a chat 🙌
The video should be available soon!
I did a talk at #fosdem23, but unfortunately, the audio from the room (and the video) started at the Q&A. So I've proposed to record an audio track to cover this gap. https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/security_elliptic_curves_in_foss/ It eventually would be the direct video, but until then, I've added a link to a peertube instance https://www.orion-hub.fr/w/6tF4HgfsqYbgmsRN3HqHPP I don't know if it will help, but at least will be better than soundless...
...sobre pequenos almoços em #Bruxelas #fosdem #fosdem23 #Fosdem2023
(Assim foi só 1, os outros foram mais saudáveis)
#bruxelas #fosdem #fosdem23 #Fosdem2023
MariaDB reflections on #FOSDEM https://mariadb.org/fosdem-2023-reflections/ #FOSDEM2023 #FOSDEM23 #database #mariadb
#fosdem #Fosdem2023 #fosdem23 #database #mariadb
to antone I was involved with or near at #fosdem23 ,even thought my flights were maskless (I wore mine), the "bus", talks, cafeteria,...
Blog post on my @fosdem #fosdem #fosdem23 now available at
@CollaboraOffice @collabora @libreoffice #LOTech #SteamDeck #steamos #collaboraonline @nextcloud @kde @opensuse @gnuhealth @penpot
#collaboraonline #steamos #SteamDeck #LoTech #fosdem23 #fosdem
So last Sunday I gave a #talk called "Don't Do This" at the #FOSDEM #PostgreSQL #devroom and it went mostly all right 😂 (#slides & #video link inside) : https://vyruss.org/blog/dont-do-this-fosdem-2023.html
#postgres #opensource #database #fosdem2023 #fosdem23
#talk #fosdem #postgresql #devroom #slides #video #postgres #opensource #database #Fosdem2023 #fosdem23