"Urfolksrett er ikke valgfritt", står det på parolen. Markering om et knapt kvarter! #Fosendommen
Of course, the Sami activists returned, and chained themselves to the entrance of the ministry. At least the media is now paying proper attention to this protest for indigenous rights. Here's a livestream: https://www.nrk.no/norge/ntb_-demonstrantene-har-lenket-seg-fast-ved-departementet-1.16313838 #fosen #fosendommen #sami
Apparently, the Norwegian government thinks that a protest lasting 5 days is worse than defying a court order themselves for more than 500 days. The Sami activists were evicted from the ministry of oil and energy in the middle of the night. Greta Thunberg was there, calling the whole thing absurd. #fosendommen
Politiet kaster ut aksjonistene fra Olje- og Energidepartementet nå. Kl halv tre om natta. Alt aksjonistene krever er at staten gjør som Høyesterett har avgjort at de skal gjøre dette er absurd. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/GMO6QQ/fjerner-aksjonistene-ved-olje-og-energidepartementet
#fosen #fosendommen #rettsstat
Sami occupying the Norwegian ministry of oil and energy, demanding the removal of a wind farm that was placed illegally on their land. Despite being ordered by the supreme court of Norway to restore the land to its natural state, the Norwegian government has refused to comply for more than 500 days. The press is eerily silent.
#fosendommen #fosen #indigenouspeople #Sami #landback
#landback #Sami #indigenouspeople #fosen #fosendommen