Just realizing that my intro post got lost when @SDF had a server hiccup a few weeks back.
Intro quick version- human and cat wrangler. Human side- emotional support human for an #alzheimers patient. Cat side- hospice, medical, kitten foster for #AustinPetsAlive.
#News Junkie, #weather geek, pro #cycling, US #politics, #History, #MilitaryHistory, and other odds and ends.
I post cats. Lots and lots of cats. #fospice #pawspice #catfoster #kitttenfoster
#alzheimers #austinpetsalive #news #weather #cycling #politics #history #militaryhistory #fospice #pawspice #catfoster #kitttenfoster
After last nights shenanigans, I doubled down on pain meds. Someone is HIGH. #fospice #catfoster #cats #medicalfoster
#cats #medicalfoster #fospice #catfoster
Me- okay I’ll do bed a little early. Let me check on the princess
*Walks into bathroom
Allspice has gone to town on both wounds and says fuck you and your pain meds.
Time for the big gun cone of shame #fospice #catfoster #vetmed
Me- Allspice, honey you don’t want to go out there. There’s a goggie.
Allspice- F that! I am a QUEEN! Out of my way!
*allspice walks out, sees Lucy on other side of the gate*
GOGGIE!!! *poofs tail*
Yeah, yeah. I told you so. Back in the bathroom with you.
#fospice #fostercats #houseofpotats
Signs you’re a medical cat foster. You pop the cat with multiple wounds up on you lap and giggle as they wipe all the guck on you as they headbutt and purr. #fostercats #medicalfoster #fospice
#fostercats #medicalfoster #fospice
First thing in the morning, all the hugs from a happy kitty! #fospice #catstadon #fostercat #cancercat
#fospice #catstadon #fostercat #cancercat
So I foster cats and kittens for Austin Pets Alive here in Texas. I specialize in neonatal kittens and medical/hospice adults. I’m going to just hop back in to what I do normally for posts on the birb app. I’m always very up front about the good and the bad. I’ve got a new girl tonight who’s got nasal cancer. She’s looking rough, but she’s a doll. She’ll be with us however long she has. I’m feeling out how formatting is going to go here. #fospice #fostercat