At FOSS Backstage 2023, @jlprat discussed extrospective OSPOS as a way to share the maintenance burden of #opensource projects and improve project’s long term stability, and explored how to set up such an OSPO. #fossback
At #fossback 2023, Malcolm Bain discussed at the interface between Open Science and Open Source software, including topics on licensing, open research project management and its similarities and differences with open source projects and communities.
At FOSS Backstage 2023, Wolfgang Gehring discussed how they established a dedicated Open (and Inner) Source strategy and an Open Source Program Office at Mercedes Benz; sharing what they learned, and the crucial points in implementing the strategy. #fossback
What if you can’t afford the “F” in FOSS? At #fossback this year, Ahmed Sobeh covered the immense challenges that #opensource faces in developing countries and the struggle that open source developers face in a commercial-product-first environment.
We kicked off FOSS Backstage this year with our keynote by @schwarzblond! She discussed how the city of Munich is trying to drive the paradigm shift towards more FOSS. Watch the recording now! #fossback
Why isn't the German administration procuring more FOSS?
Miriam Seyffarth – OSBA
#fossback #publicprocurement #germany #opensource
#compliance #opensource #innersource #fossback #softwaredevelopment #automation
#compliance #opensource #innersource #fossback #softwaredevelopment #automation
FOSS Backstage 2023 is over and it was great experience! The team is celebrating now with a delicious @FloraPowerMate! Thanks again for supporting #fossback!
We are wrapping up FOSS Backstage 2023! Thank you to all who attended this year, it's been a pleasure and we hope to see you again next year! #fossback
Suggested Read: #FOSSBack: Josep Prat – Sustainability beyond funds: Extrospective OSPOs - YouTube
We were honored to have been a media partner for @FOSSBackstage 2023 with @fosslife and @osjobhub #OpenSource #FOSS #fossback #events
#opensource #foss #fossback #events
We were honored to have been a media partner for @FOSSBackstage 2023 with @fosslife and @osjobhub #OpenSource #FOSS #fossback #events
#opensource #foss #fossback #events
My team had a great time speaking at #FOSSback in Berlin about risk, diversity, and contributor growth The videos are online now :)
FOSS Backstage 2023 wouldn't have been possible without the support of our amazing partners! We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of them. You can learn more about them on our website at #fossback
Seeing photos of masked crowds at FOSS Backstage :meowmeltlove:
Thank you to the organizers of #FOSSBack for setting a great example and making the event safer and more inclusive of immunocompromised people! _This_ is community leadership.
Mask mandates FTW 😷
#PHPledge #HealthAndSafety #DEI #Covid #Events #OpenSource @phpledge
#fossback #PHPledge #HealthAndSafety #dei #covid #events #OpenSource
Thanks to @FloraPowerMate for being a part of FOSS Backstage this year and keeping them caffinated! Get your own at #fossback
The photos of FOSS Backstage are already online! View them now at #fossback
The photos of FOSS Backstage are alraeady online! View them now at #fossback