Missed the talk by @ellie at #fossdem (room full...) but installed atuin¹ after watching her talk online².
It is ****n awesome! One of those unix tools I've missed my whole unix-life without knowing I missed it. Just wow!
¹ https://github.com/ellie/atuin
² https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/rust_atuin_magical_shell_history_with_rust/
(Also: the ugly bash-hack is probably the straw that will make me leave bash. I think).
Oi, @matrix, I've watched your #fossdem presentation. It was great to hear about p2p development. One thing puzzled me though. Why BLE? I mean it's neat but I can bearly see it used in practice. However, if Matrix can run over BLE, could it run over SMS? Could Element support plain SMS?
After seeing the speil on #FOSSDEM I just went to look at https://thirdroom.io/preview
OH MY!! #Matrix #ThirdRoom
@kgiori Full marks for battling the gremlins during your talk! :) #Fossdem #Microblocks
This was exactly what Boris and Redon from our team tried to explain in their lightning talk today at #FOSSDEM (video will be online soon). It is annoying that so many organisations and teams that work on #openknowledge #openscience #opendata #opensource platforms rely on big tech for their infrastructure :ablobcatcry:
#fossdem #openknowledge #openscience #opendata #opensource
Sweet delicious cakes shared in the community devroom #fossdem besides great talks.
#MicroBlocks with @kgiori and @bromagosa is up next #Fossdem https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/track/foss_educational_programming_languages/
Tune in to see a live presentation of the new Frictionless Application (IDE for CSV) #FOSSDEM #frictionlessdata https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/openresearch_frictionless_application/
With all the stories coming out about open hardware at #fossdem I can’t help but feel that #plan9 really missed an opportunity to shine. Open hardware groups are experimenting with different hardware forms, why not showcase new UI and OS forms at the same time? Also, nothing could demonstrate better that the network is the machine as a bunch of weird new devices working as one, over Bluetooth/wifi/spi/uart.
Next Talk about Creating Pathways that invests in New Maintainers @abbycabs
(Too Bad bandwidth to send images)