BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
162 followers · 662 posts · Server

Stop burning fossil fuels
Stop deforestation

Off-the-charts records: humans have broken the climate

"Climate science’s projections are pretty robust over the last decades. Unfortunately, humanity’s stubbornness to spew out ever higher amounts of greenhouse gases has also been pretty robust."
Prof Malte Meinshausen, University of Melbourne, Australia.

“What we are seeing this year is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of what we expect to happen...If we do not halt global warming soon, then the extreme events we see this year will pale against the ones that are to come.”
Prof Natalie Mahowald, of Cornell University

"The impacts are frighteningly more impactful than I - and many climate scientists I know - expected."
Prof Krishna AchutaRao, Indian Institute of Technology.

A" “tiny window” of opportunity remained open to tackle the climate crisis,..with humanity having all the tools needed. The researchers overwhelmingly pointed to one action as critical: slashing the burning of fossil fuels down to zero."

We need, above all, a just and equitable transition. A very small percentage of the human population is responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions.
Prof Paola Arias, University of Antioquia, Colombia.

#deforestation #logging #bushfires #heatwaves #floods #disasters #fossifuels #transition #climateaction #climate #offthecharts

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2629 followers · 9417 posts · Server

and (adding to above) of course there are real, tangible, personal reasons why is pro : Sunak’s family firm signed a billion dollar deal with before giving north sea oil projects the go ahead. Judging by the WhatsApp messages i am receiving just now it feels like outrage about this is widespread and strong! 2/3

#ClimateDiary #Sunak #fossifuels #bp

Last updated 1 year ago

#2024 will probably be hotter than this year because of , NASA scientists say
NASA scientists warned Thursday that we haven’t even seen the worst of El Niño and next year will likely be even warmer for the planet. , caused by burning , is unequivocally warming the ’s temperature, NASA scientists said.

#ElNino #climatechange #fossifuels #earth #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1328 followers · 12576 posts · Server
Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
19 followers · 94 posts · Server

legacy: rocks
"Rocks formed from the glut of plastic floating in the ocean. A new kind of geological formation, merging the materials and processes the Earth has used to form rocks for billions of years with a new ingredient: plastic trash.

#anthropocene #plastic #pollution #plastiglomerates #fossifuels

Last updated 2 years ago

Paulo Cunha · @mudaste
204 followers · 441 posts · Server

"A  trove of internal documents and research papers has previously established that  knew of the dangers of global heating from at least the 1970s, with other oil industry bodies knowing of the risk even earlier, from around the 1950s. They forcefully and successfully mobilized against the science to stymie any action to reduce fossil fuel use."

#theguardian #fossifuels #globalheating #oilindustry #ClimateChange #exxon

Last updated 2 years ago

Laurie · @lauriekingcurtis
39 followers · 56 posts · Server


Is anyone concerned about using to fly everyone to the conference? Is there a better way to gather without .

Conference 7-19 December 2022, Montreal, Canada

#COP15 #Pollution #fossifuels #divest #ClimateAction #biodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
986 followers · 10873 posts · Server