· @EndemicEarthling
59 followers · 107 posts · Server todon.eu

@GreenFire Both/and? Yes, there's a clear and strong priority on ending the extraction of in all its forms from stable geosequestration. Agreed.
Yet reducing the acceleration of via the unnecessary enhancement of into in an industry that exploits sentient is also valuable, all the more so because doing so is necessary in the fights to stop and the loss of carbon-sequestering .
The situation is too dire to ditch allies by insisting on a single approach. However, if you were just talking about your own focus, that's completely understandable, and I've also put basically all my efforts towards the urgent necessity to .

#diversityoftactics #fossilcarbon #ClimateDisruption #co2 #ch4 #animals #deforestation #wetlands #leaveItInTheGround #endcoal #EndFossilGas #juststopoil #EndFossilFuelSubsidies

Last updated 2 years ago